Dujovne also attributes to Roberto Lavagna the heavy legacy


"Do not forget that Argentina had frozen rates throughout the management of Roberto Lavagna. The tax result, instead of improving, was aggravated because it absorbed the improvements that Jorge Remes Lenicov had originally made. And I think that part of the problems we have encountered with our debt has been generated by a very unsuccessful restructuring, with a level of non-acceptance of 26%, which is very unusual and which generated an interest account that We had to pay ourselves. Part of the problems we had to deal with also comes from this managementDujovne said, referring to the one who left the public service in November 2005.

In another part of the interview, Dujovne also criticized Domingo Cavallo. "There is a whole generation of economists in Argentina who, I think, have contributed to the failure of our society," he fired quoting his predecessor under the presidency of Carlos Menem and Fernando of the Rúa.

"They have generally interpreted that an economic program is based on the deferral of the exchange rate and tariffs, or both, at the same time, as did Kirchner. We have had other programs based on the exchange rate delay. It should be noted that this would have been the case if, during the previous decade, instead of convertibility, Argentina would have done the same as Peru, Colombia, Chile and Brazil, ie ie invest in building a healthy currency with a floating exchange rate, with a credible central bank. We would not have had the 2001 crisiscorralito, all the legacies of Cavallo who are currently preparing a program that we do not know if it will be similar to the previous ones ", he declared.

The official also said: "We are proposing a different program, which really consists in having a healthy currency that floats and thus reduces the real volatility of the Argentine economy." The Argentine economy and the Venezuelan economy are the two most unstable economies in Latin America.This is badociated with the propensity of the Argentineans to try to solve the macroeconomic problems by setting the exchange rate.A La Cavallo, with a fixed exchange rate and uncontrolled cash. Or Axel Kicillof, with exchange controls and stocks. But we never try to do what we do: a floating change based on a healthy central bank"


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