Dujovne and Sandleris travel to Washington


Finance Minister Nicolas Dujovne and Central Bank President Guido Sandleris will attend Wednesday's planned activities in Washington for the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB).

According to official sources, according to official sources, Telam announced Tuesday a series of meetings whose agenda was being defined.

One of the expected moments of this meeting is Thursday, when the directors of both organizations announced the global and regional economic outlook for this year..

IMF director Christine Lagarde warned last week that the global economy had weakened "and that it was at a delicate moment," adding that the IMF did not plan to short-term recession and expected a resumption of growth as quickly as possible. this remains of the year and in 2020.

Lagarde and Dujovne, a key relationship for agreement with the IMF. (AP / File)

In a speech at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, Lagarde explained the evolution of the global scenario with two data: just two years ago, 75% of the global economy was experiencing a rebound ; The Fund expects this year that 70% of the global economy will experience a slowdown.

In this context, Dujovne and Sandleris will seek to show how the Argentine government has managed to overcome the financial crisis of last year and is preparing to comply with what was agreed with the IMF, that is to say get a budget balance this year in their accounts.

Last Friday, the IMF approved the disbursement of 10.8 billion US dollars for Argentina, after the third review of the confirmation agreement in force since June 20, 2018, all by warning against inflation levels.

"The policies of the authorities that support the IMF-supported agreement are bearing fruit," warned however, "however, inflation remains high, inflation expectations are rising, and inflationary inertia is difficult to achieve." overcome."

Lagarde said on this occasion that "the policies of the authorities that support the agreement supported by the IMF are bearing fruit."

Christine Lagarde, Executive Director of the IMF. (AP / File)

"High fiscal and current account deficits – two major vulnerabilities that led to the financial crisis last year – are declining, economic activity has contracted in 2018, but there are signs that recession has bottomed out and a gradual recovery is expected in the coming quarters, "Lagarde said in a statement.

He also said that "the Argentine government has shown its determination to ensure that the ratio of public debt to GDP is on a sustainable path, thus reducing the primary deficit of 2018 below the target set in the program" .

Guido Sandleris, the president of the central bank who travels to Washington. (AP / File)

He pointed out, however, that "nevertheless, given the lower than expected level of tax revenue in the first half of the year, it will be essential to proceed cautiously in the execution of expenditure programs and to take other measures to increase budget revenue so that the fiscal situation of 2019 reaches the primary balance ".

In this framework, "it is necessary to redouble efforts to improve the budgetary framework and the management of the debt in the medium term".


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