Dujovne debuts in Washington as first IMF debtor | Chronic


By Alejandro Bercovich

WASHINGTON D.C. – SPECIAL SHIPPING. The Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, landed Wednesday at four o'clock in the afternoon in Washington DC, where he will participate from Thursday to Sunday of the Spring Assembly of the IMF and the World Bank. During your stay in this capital, you will see at least three times with the holder of the fund, Christine Lagardebut will not meet in camera to negotiate or discuss any aspect of the current agreement with the agency. Yes, he will do it privately with his number two, the American David Lipton, although sources from the Treasury team have denied before BAE Business that he came to convince him to allow the government to intervene in the sale of the reserves of the Central Bank in case of new exchange.

Dujovne will hold several meetings with banks and investment funds and will participate in a G20 working dinner, chaired by Argentina for a year. Friday begins with the formal sessions of the Assembly and meets with his Brazilian counterpart, Paulo Guedes, the ultra-orthodox who put Jair Bolsonaro in front of the treasure.

The minister always intends to remain discreet. But it will cost you. On Saturday, he will participate in the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), a kind of IMF parliament, where the views of his colleagues will inevitably be played on him. It is because Argentina, after the agreement of last year, is again the largest debtor of the agency. Quadruple to Greece, the one that follows.

The Minister intends to maintain a relatively low profile at all times, but it will cost him

The meeting with David Lipton, first Deputy Director General of the IMF, is the same Saturday. Lipton is one of the strictest in preventing funds from the Fund to finance the flight of capital, and therefore imposes that the Central does not intervene by selling reserves as long as the quote remains in the floating band cap today exceeds $ 51.

Dujovne will participate Sunday in a seminar with Lagarde, the tax forum. Moderate Gillian Tett, editor of the Financial Times and Lagarde, director of the IMF; Gloria AlonsoDirector of the Department of National Planning of Colombia; Pascal DonohoeMinister of Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform of Ireland; and Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

The World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings are meetings to discuss issues of global concern, including the global economic outlook, the eradication of poverty , economic development and efficiency help. Year after year, seminars, regional briefings and other events are organized on the global economy, international development and global financial markets.


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