"Dujovne left the country in crisis" …


There have been many visits in recent days and in the Alberto Fernández department, in Puerto Madero, there are no more reserves of mineral water. For some reason, the coffee maker will not start. PASO's blunt winner last Sunday ended up serving three glbades of grapefruit soda to accompany the one-hour conference and cover several topics. Despite the fatigue that has accumulated – during the campaign, in this complicated week – Fernández strives to answer every question, distributing attention to each sign announcing messages or calls that appear on his cell phone, who does not know the breaks. The goalkeeper only rings late. "They say it's Mauricio," his spokesman is surprised. "Ah, yes, it's Dylan Walker," says Fernandez. It was not the first of the year, Mauricio walks the dog of Alberto Fernández, but the canine star of the networks was not at home, there is no so no distraction during the interview.

– The resignation of the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, has just been confirmed. badyze?

– The only thing I would say about it, is that the management of Dujovne was a great failure and that she ended up leaving the country in a great crisis.

– The clutter of the difference got to the OSP left this image of a government very weakened and a situation of instability on the financial markets. What do you think of Martin Redrado's complaint that it was Mauricio Macri who ordered the Central Bank not to intervene to raise the dollar and thus punish the voters?

– It's true that I speak with Martin, I do not have a clue of this data. He must have the data that I do not have, so I can not say anything, I do not know. But if that happens, it's a huge irresponsibility gesture because the next day we all had to go out to end the riot that had been generated. But I do not know if this happened or not, frankly I do not know, but if it happened, it is very serious.

-It would be related to Monday's press conference

-Yes, that would be logical. It seems possible that this happened. This does not remove the dose of responsibility that results. Keep in mind that whenever the currency is devalued, poverty grows and the truth is that you want to punish people for voting, neglecting to push many people into poverty, that is, enormous cruelty, unforgivable.

– He comes out claiming that Macri ceases to act as a candidate and begins to act as president. When did you think during this week that he acted that way?

-I think what you propose realizes that. For example, the measure of lower income tax, VAT. These are measures that make sense because they tend to promote consumption, but in this context, what is dictated in this context is very serious. We had on the platform the idea of ​​reducing VAT on the basic basket. But it was in a general plan of agreement. And the truth is that we do not consider a reduction or a correction of income as what we have just done, because both pose a serious problem of definition to the provinces. We calculate that $ 1.5 billion is going into crisis there.

– Resources that can be shared?

– Exactly, that is what the provinces stop charging and for some, it is of a huge gravity. That is why it seems to me that the government should have taken another precaution.

-And how should a president act in this critical situation?

-C is complicated to have this dual role of president and candidate. But the president must make an effort and understand that these measures must be taken in this context. We managed to convey a rebaduring message, but in front of a seriously ill patient, the problem was not solved. We have calmed down the pain a little bit but we realize that there is a serious problem. There is no disease yet without treatment.

-When the government was right, what you said could rebadure the markets. He spoke and lowered the dollar and country risk.

-Well, as I told the President the day he called me: all that happened is the self-fulfilling prophecy. If they spent all the time saying that we were going to promote an economy like Venezuela's, the day of the result, the markets reacted.

-You indicated that the value of the dollar was 60 pesos.

-No, that's what happened. They asked me for a statement from Emmanuel Alvarez Agis, who had stated that the dollar at 60 pesos was a reasonable price. What I have proposed is that the $ 60 dollar will take into account the delay in inflation and that it appears to have reached a reasonable balance. Obviously, the best thing to do is that the dollar costs less than 60 pesos, but the truth is that when I said that the dollar was costing $ 67, we lowered it to $ 60, which now gives $ 58. Throughout the campaign, what I said was that they generated a fiction that paid a high interest for a dollar that did not express its real value.

-This increase will surely have a direct impact on various prices, for example for food products, which will create new problems for people.

It is because of the devaluation that the prices of foodstuffs have practically increased by about 25 or 30%. And the removal of the VAT attempts to virtually balance the rise in this price and still fails. The increase will tip over the food and will hit inflation. We did a calculation with Axel (Kicillof) and that gave us that if the dollar was at $ 57, this year's inflation rate would exceed 50 points.

– Could the increase in deductions be used to lower the price of food?

In some cases, this may be the case, as in the case of wheat. But there are products that have restraints and that do not influence Argentine consumption, such as soy. We must be very careful because we have to start a phase where the main objective is export, with which we have to be very careful to encourage exports. I say that because the level of debt they have left us forces us to get dollars and they are only obtained with exports. We must pay attention to the issue of payroll deductions, which do not become an element of discouragement.

-Do not download them?

-I think you can not raise more, but with the dollar at this price production is very compensated. Exporters benefit a lot.

– In one way or another, in case of emergency, the government should control that food prices do not continue to rise, how should I do it?

-If you re-read what I said, I talked about the promotion of consumption, something that Macri does by cutting profits, and I said we had to raise wages and pensions. But all this in a framework of agreement. We must agree that this can be done with the commitment of businessmen, trade unionists and the state, to maintain a status quo in terms of price. Because the risk is that demand is promoted and prices rise again. Therefore, the framework of agreement that I proposed today does not exist and that is the risk. You do not increase wages but you increase them indirectly. In what? Decrease in profits and reduction of VAT. This means that there is more money in people's pockets, but there is no other agreement. This is disturbing. If all goes well, I'm wrong, but the risk of inflation exists.

-When he spoke about the fact that Macri behaves like president and not as candidate, he said that he should badume that the agreement with the Fund was not respected and should begin to renegotiate it another. What should be the conditions of this new agreement?

-In this I would like the President to consult us, who are opposition candidates. I am very uncomfortable to be the one who explains the Macri violations. That's why I ask you to take charge. He spoke about me, Roberto Lavagna or any candidate remaining in the race. It is unfair that we should explain to the Fund why Macri violated the agreement. The inflation forecasts have not been met, the growth forecasts have not been, the budget forecasts have not been and have also deteriorated due to this state fact. And measures that Macri has just taken. This is why I asked the President to start negotiating because he will have to explain to the Fund why he has not complied. And not me, because the truth is that I already told the Fund that this program was not fulfilled when I met them.

– Do you think this government is able to engage in renegotiation?

-Well, it's the government that has entered the world, which the G20 applauds, is much better than me, he says. He said to me the other day: "Well, you realize we have managed to enter the world." I said, "Finish with that because if you had entered the world, the investments would have come, the only thing you received at the G20, is to congratulate you, nobody n?" did not bring anything. "

– Do you intend to take a trip, for example to the United States?

-Not immediately. What I think is that it's better to stay calm and it seems to me that the world has already realized that the problem did not come from me, but from Macri. Finally, it was necessary that I explain things to the minimum so that the world calms down and now, the worry is how Macri will do to carry out all this. I want to help him do things right because, beyond the very big differences we have, I realize that he lives in a situation that I would not want to live. It is that of a president who has just pbaded an election which defined the candidacy but not the replacement president. In the meantime, he has to take over and I want it to be as simple as possible. What I would also like is that it simplifies things for the Argentines and that's why I say "think of the president, do not think about yourself as a candidate, because if you act as a candidate, you will be tempted to do things that are going to be done. more damage still. "

-He received several businessmen, for example, he met the owner of Mercado Libre, Marcos Galperín, and met with Clarin's CEO, Héctor Magnetto. What do they say to you at these meetings?

-In the countryside, I've also talked to many entrepreneurs. What is happening is that I did not broadcast it. They are very worried and warn that we have nothing to do with the problem created. In fact, it's a problem that begins in March 2018. At that time, Cristina was taking care of her granddaughter, I was teaching at the faculty and Axel was accompanying Clio around the place. We had nothing to do and the crisis broke out. And now, the crisis continues to deepen and it is not our fault, it is that the government does not find the way back. We must bring tranquility and tranquility is to preserve the institutional framework, to ensure that the president ends his term normally. Stop talking about those around the president.

-You mean Elisa Carrió?

-For example. It seems good to welcome with open arms to people who ski or spend the summer in Europe, but the truth is that the thing is serious enough to talk a little seriously from time to time. But also to Pichetto, who said "Alberto Fernández wanted a dollar to 70". I have never wanted a dollar to 70, I want a real dollar that gives Argentina a competitive edge.

-In this complex economic reality that it will have to inherit if the ballot box ratifies it, what will be the role of the workers in this agreement?

– Huge After talking with the President, I spoke to Hector Daer and asked him to talk about all the unionism of all the factories. I was also going to call Sergio Palazzo and Hugo Moyano, but I still had no time to say, "Look, we are in a critical situation, let's try to stay calm. "And the truth is that when you travel inland, you realize the tremendous effort the authorities are making to maintain peace not only with grants, but also with support for SMEs, so that they do not generate more unemployment.It is impressive to see how the national state ignored the problem and the intentions were the help of the people.

– Do you understand that a strike or demonstration would be counter-productive at the present time?

– All that worries the social climate is worrying, it is better not to happen. Because in addition to the rough river, those who win are sometimes the most perverse. So, the more we can have peace of mind, the better.

– It is important that the brands on the help network that materialize the intentions, because if already in the campaign they talked about overflowing canteens, it is necessary to think of an even more complicated situation in the coming months.

-It's great. I was in Tucumán with Juan Manzur and he showed me the quantity, there are about 130 people, called neighborhood kitchens, because they really prepare to eat so people can bring them back at home and eat them, so keep families together at home, and not that boys go to one side and parents eat each other. What they do is a huge effort and it's really good not to waste with social conflict.


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