Dujovne meets the IMF and will ask to use the loan to contain the dollar run


The Minister of Finance joins Lagarde and US officials before approving a new disbursement of $ 10,700 million.

March 13, 2019

The Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, will meet this Wednesday the head of IMF, Christine Lagarde; the secretary of the North American treasurySteven Mnuchin; and the owner of the IDB, Luis Alberto Moreno. The Argentine official will seek to unlock the disbursement of funds $ 10,700 million and ask that you can use this money to sell in the market to end the uncertainty with the dollar.

During these meetings, the Minister will endorse the government's decision to Mauricio Macri to complete the agreement with the IMF, which includes the zero deficit for this year.

However, in order to prevent the economy from weighing on Macri's aspirations for reelection, they will try to use part of the loan to sell on the market and halt the rise in the currency.

To integrate

On Tuesday, the central bank raised the interest rate to 62.5 percent, but the dollar also rose to 42.5 dollars.

This Tuesday, Dujovne and the Secretary of Energy, Gustavo Lopetegui, they met the energy secretary of the United States, Rick Perry.

Argentine officials gave details of the latest initiatives taken by the Argentine government for energy development, such as the public consultation launched for the construction of a new Neuquén gas pipeline and the gas import replacement program.

Officials also discussed the investment projects of American companies in Argentina, both in Vaca Muerta and in renewable energies.


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