Dujovne met Lagarde in Washington


As part of his trip to the United States, Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne met Wednesday with the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde.

The meeting, which lasted 45 minutes, is taking place in an uncertain economic context, before the disbursement of US $ 10.7 billion that the agency will carry out and representatives of the US government.

In this regard, financial sources told Clarin that the issue of the possible use of the Treasury currency to contain the rising dollar had not been addressed at the meeting, adding that this issue was being discussed "at the technical level".

"They did not talk about short-term problems, and Nicolas did not come to negotiate anything," government sources told Infobae.

In addition, they pointed out that Dujovne's visit was "formal, pleasant and cordial between two people who have a very tense relationship of trust".

"The strong and ongoing implementation of the authorities' reform agenda will be crucial for a stable economy and sustainable growth," Lagarde said on his Twitter account at the end of the meeting.

Lagarde "commended the authorities for their efforts to promote their economic stabilization plan and provide social protection to the poor and vulnerable," said the Fund in a subsequent statement.

At the same time, an IMF spokeswoman said that officials "discussed recent economic developments and prospects for Argentina" and that "Lagarde congratulated the authorities for their efforts to promote their plan to economic stabilization and provide social protection to the poorest and most vulnerable sectors of the population.The strong and ongoing implementation of the authorities' reform agenda will be crucial in laying the foundations for a stable and stable economy. 39, sustainable growth. "

Finally, the Argentinian leader and Lagarde spoke about the situation in Venezuela and both worried about the crisis in this country and the steps to follow.

The meeting was held at a time when the IMF was to badyze the disbursement of a new tranche of US $ 10.7 billion of the loan "stand by" agreed last year.

On Friday, IMF representative in the country, Trevor Alleyne, estimated that the dollar's rise was due to the fact that "Argentina is weaker than other emerging countries".

"Therefore, he must have this policy and this program (from the IMF) to try to strengthen all aspects of macroeconomics and strengthen resistance to the outside," he added.

Dujovne arrived in the United States on Monday with the Secretary of State for Energy, Gustavo Lopetegui, to participate in a business forum of the oil sector that takes place every year in the United States. the city of Houston, Texas.

There, officials highlighted the investment opportunities of the energy sector for $ 30,000 million.


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