Dujovne to meet with Lagarde and seek confirmation of fifth IMF disbursement


The Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, will hold a new meeting with Christine Lagarde, director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), this Saturday to badyze the evolution of the agreement between the country and the agency and confirm the fifth largest loan disbursement in history. The meeting will take place after the head of the credit institution confessed to having underestimated the Argentine crisis.

The meeting will be held in Japan, where Dujovne is scheduled to attend the G20 Finance and Finance Ministers meeting this weekend. He will not be alone at the meeting, but will be accompanied by the head of the central bank, Guido Sandleris and they will meet Lagarde and IMF Deputy Managing Director David Lipton.

Meanwhile, in the G20 summit of ministersDujovne will be the keynote speaker at sessions on the global economy and international taxation, as outlined in the Palais des Finances. Sandleris will attend the "Financial Development" and "World Economy" sessions and will hold two bilateral meetings with Thomas Jordan, Governor of the Swiss National Bank, and then with Jens Weidmann, President of the German Bundesbank.


The IMF admitted to underestimating inflation and the economic crisis

Sandleris will attend Sunday sessions of the G20 Central Bank Presidents on "International Taxation", "Global Imbalances", "Consequences of Population Aging", "Investments in Infrastructure" and "Financial Sector Problems" , while Dujovne in a panel sobe financial policy and development, which will also include the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Ángel Gurría, and the Ministers of the Economy of the Germany, Australia and South Africa. .

The leaders of the economic team will also meet Taro Aso, Minister of Finance of the Japanand Haruhiko Kuroda, governor of the central bank of this country. Finally, the Minister of Finance will meet with the Secretary of the Treasury of the Republic. United States, Steven Mnuchin, and with his peers in finance GermanyOlaf Scholz; from China, Liu Kun; of Economy and Finance in France, Bruno Le Maire and Chancellor of Finance of United Kingdom, Philip Hammond, according to Noticias Argentinas.


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