Dunga-dunga: the threat of Trump and the IMF | Panoramic …


"Mauricio turns around," "Mauricio turns around," Hernan Lombardi told the media, and he jumped like a rengo monkey, with his fingers still
before the President's stellar presentation to the campaign events. People understand, but they know that they do not spill anything. The only thing that he knows at this point, these people, the ultra-macrista counter who attends to these acts, all he knows, is that it does not overturn the situation, but he does not care. Because He weighs more his anti-Peronism, his rejection of human rights, his reaction of a blue handkerchief, his eagerness to differentiate himself from black and small heads. The mobilized mass up here in the 30 acts in 30 villages – in some places, a failure, in others less – is the most recalcitrant, knowing that everything went to hell but cares more about its anti -peronism as tragedy of the whole country.

This desperation that translates the lack of conviction of the Lombardi choirs with the "Mauricio reversed" is blurred, it is because no one believes in Macri, nor to those who attend their acts. The president lost his credibility vis-à-vis the company, it was a sharp cut. It's like they said "we know you are ours, but you can not do anything".

This is the case of his supporters. The others, the majority, get angry. The appalling incompetence and chaos that have characterized the last two years of government, as well as the utmost impudence to do business with their businesses, are becoming more visible.

In politics, there are no empty spaces, those who lose one occupy another. And Alberto Fernández grows up, asserts himself as a candidate and comes to the counter as owner. Your call increases. At the Faculty of Agronomy of UBA, presented its program against hunger to representatives from across the social, economic and cultural spectrum.
. The head of the UIA, Miguel Acevedo, urged the CGT to study the social agreement raised by the candidate of the Front de Todos. He has of course his own version, but the interlocutor is Fernández and not Macri.

The Frente de Todos candidate had the luxury of making a statement yesterday at the National Buenos Aires, with a class filled with teenagers who listened with the former Uruguayan president, Pepe Mujica. "I always make this commitment with young people: I ask that if you see me defecate, go out to say it "he told them. There is no greater measure of credibility for a politician than these always suspicious and challenging students.
Few can do an act that expresses so illustratively the expectation of society. What Macri falls, Alberto Fernández grows up.

Even in the president's environment, there are resentments and fears about defeat and there is talk of a burnt land policy, which would result in leaving a central bank unqualified. Or in foreign policy, break relations with Venezuela
. Only for Blur the ground to Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Leave him unarmed in front of the IMF or force him to take action that further enervates Donald Trump.

In the election campaign, we hardly talk about international relationships. However, it is in this area that one of the votes in favor of Macri's defense came from. The American ambassador, the former Texas judge, Edward Prado, said his country "admires Argentina's moral leadership with Venezuela." He does not speak of Argentina in general, but of Argentina that Mauricio Macri represents as "moral leader" according to the moral parameters of the Donald Trump government.

The statements of the ambassador – a conservative in a conservative state like Texas – were Monday at a dinner at the Center for American Studies Foundation.

The same day, a few hours earlier, Alberto Fernández met with Daniel Martínez, Front Amplio's candidate for president, in Uruguay.
. During the meeting he had announced that he was winning the elections, he would take out Argentina of Lima Group, it was formed under American tutelage to harass Venezuela, join the blockade and prepare the ground for a coup d'etat or directly for a military invasion.

This was one of the most precise clarifications of what his government could be if he won the election. He emphasized that the most correct position was that adopted by the Governments of Mexico and Uruguay leaving the group to find solutions through dialogue.

Ambassador Prado's quick reaction underscored the importance Washington attaches to Venezuela's oil recovery. And on the other hand, he showed the old arrogance that he took United States deal with the countries of Latin America. Lobby a candidateFrom a foreign country, when he has not yet seized power, is an act patotero, which has no respect for political sovereignty, it is supposed to be a friendly country.

During his tour of the United States, as a representative of Alberto Fernández, Sergio Massa met at the State Department Mike Pompeo, another dinosaur of the imperial court of Donald Trump. He first appointed him to head the CIA, and then the American president, businessman, appointed this former Tea Party to the Chancery.

Pompeo does not want to be friendly. Pompeo wants to show himself as the master. This is Trump's administration policy towards Latin American countries, which she sees as an extension of her territory. A kind of bantustans of the imperial center. That's the relationship that Macri has allowed with Trump.

At the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires, Trump was tired of despising him despite repeated signs of submission from the Argentine president. It was public when Trump took off his headphones from the translation and threw them on the floor while Macri was talking. And it was more public when he left paying with the hand outstretched on stage. Trump and Pompeo's foreign policy has no subtleties.

Pompeo wanted to mark the court of Alberto Fernández. He explained to Massa that the United States had two non-negotiable issues. We are Venezuelathey reacted to Monday's statements. The other is China: They do not want me to reinforce their presence in Argentina.

At Macri's request, Donald Trump worked at the IMF to make the largest loan in his history to Argentina., to the point of transgressing his own regulations. Trump's rebuffs during the G20 were a way of explaining that thanking him was not enough with good manners, but he had to do it Dunga-dunga He needed another pawn in the region for his strategy to stop China and recover Venezuelan oil.

In a journalistic version of Ambassador Prado's Monday statements, the question is clear: "There can be no exchange of ideas when we agree on everything, but that is not possible either. 'There is no agreement on the important points,' he warned.

With the Macri government, Washington has become the key to reaching the IMF. What the State Department says is that if Alberto Fernández proposes to negotiate the phenomenal debt provided by Trump to Macri, then Dunga-dunga will have to be done for China and Venezuela.

There are always several options, open roads. Macri showed that Trump's obsession leads to no solution. If he showed anything, it was that way he was going to the cliff. This was his most valuable contribution.

Trump voiced support for the neo-liberal president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, who supports a popular rebellion against policies demanded by the IMF. It's not the exception Macri that makes the rule, but the confirmation of the rule. The fate of Lenin Moreno It is projected beyond what will happen in the coming days with the popular rebellion.

Due to popular rebellion or the exercise of sovereign voting, the adjustment and misery policies of the Monetary Fund are rejected in Ecuador and Argentina. Sooner than later, it will be the same for Bolsonaro in Brazil.


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