Duque highlighted the "Macri leadership" for the region and for Argentina – Telam


In a speech he delivered at the Casa Rosada Museum, at a luncheon that Macri had offered him as a finishing touch of his visit to Buenos Aires, Mr. Duque stated that the Argentine President "was a man of principles ", even in areas where They would advise" do not get involved ", he called him" friend "several times and has been full of praise.

For the Colombian, lawyer and 42-year-old writer who badumed the presidency of the Democratic Center Party last August, "Latin America is not a debate between left and right", but rather a " deeper debate between demagogues and pedagogues "

He explained that "demagogues encourage clbad hatred and nationalization, and stigmatize any private initiative," and after calling populism "bread for today and hunger for tomorrow," he ranked Macri among the "pedagogues" because "it shows the country the way to solve problems".

"You have been firm in your principles," Duque told his host, saying "his leadership in the Lima group is fundamental" to put pressure on the Venezuelan Maduro regime in Venezuela, and therefore "is very important for the region and this is very important for Argentina, in the context we live in ".

Duque stressed that he had "an attitude both practical and friendly" and proposed to continue working together in the future: "I am sending you, throughout your firm, to the whole Argentine people, our deepest feeling of building with you, a Latin America forever liberated from demagoguery and dictatorship, "he said.


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