Durán Barba had warned that "they entered the people's fridge"


"The Magician of Happiness", a biographical book on Presidential Advisor Jaime Durán Barba, reveals private facts and his relations with the government of Macri Source: archives

"Although his specific work is much less decisive than we think, his mere presence is invaluable: he intimidates opponents and widens his own.It generates the same effect that Diego Maradona woke up during Maradona has barely jogged, hit a few balls and at most a casual goal, but the message of having it in the team was already reckless for opponents.
macrismo Now, repeat this tip of psychological intimidation. The government proclaims:

Durán Beard

play for us And so, it frees the imagination of what this phrase means. "

Andres Fidanza, journalist and sociologist, tells

Durán Barbe. The magician of happiness
(Planet), who these days have arrived in the Argentine bookstores, the gadgets with which the Ecuadorian consultant brought his trade to the small table of political power

Mauricio Macri

at the head of the government of Buenos Aires to later chair the Argentine Republic. The defeat of last Sunday within the OSP and a possible non-re-election of the ruling party would not be for Fidanza the responsibility of the preferred presidential consultant. "At one point (Durán Barba) managed to lead a
outsider from the Argentine political system as Macri to the presidency, a position to which every politician aspires. The failure of Macri would not be so much that of Durán Barba as that of the economy of a government that did not have the ability to lead, integrate, hold the promises of the 2015 campaign, the most specific and the most abstract, "said Fidanza.

In his book, in which he realizes "a vintage painting" from the figure of who is considered a guru or intellectual hand, Fidanza records the warnings addressed to the Government by the consultant's team regarding "a malaise which had been preparing for a year and a half in view of the economic situation that could be decisive in the elections ". It is quoted for example that in April Durán Barba had incriminated the finance minister and the president of the Central Bank because they "had entered the fridge of people".

Durán Barba and more than 50 people, between parents and specialists, testify in the book
Durán Barba and more than 50 people, between parents and specialists, testify in the book

Has not he been heard? "What is happening is that Durán Barba does not define the economy, but attacks the decisions that others make in economic matters. they continued in this way, they would be in trouble, "tells the author of a biography that provides up to now very little data. known on the history of the leading maker of political marketing of macrismo.

In addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that he earns every year with his political consulting work, his lectures and his lectures at George Washington University, Jaime Durán Barba owns land, businesses and even a mine of gold that he inherited from the aristocratic family in which he grew up, in Ecuador. He advised a former minister of Lula in Brazil and, at the request of Horacio Verbitskky, with whom he dined three times, asked Macri for the release of Milagro Sala.

He sees himself as a representative of modern liberal democracies, admits that he does not understand the economy and does not care to show that he does not know how to handle the remote control of the split, cell phone, social networks and even the computer.

Fidanza's research (CNN radio columnist and contributor to the magazines Anfibia, Rolling Stone and Le Monde Diplomatique) included three two-hour meetings with Durán Barba himself, who had received him in his department of Recoleta "and spoke openly about his career, his method, his work and his ideas. These dialogues took place over eight months – the last one last May – and they had "intermittences". The reporter said that "mistrust was born" of Durán Barba "although he has never lost his kindness".

The journalist Andrés Fidanza, author of "Durán Barba, the magician of happiness"
The journalist Andrés Fidanza, author of "Durán Barba, the magician of happiness" Source: Archives – Credit: Alejandro Guyot

In addition, Fidanza spoke again and again
out of record with more than fifty consultants, politicians, officials, publicists, journalists, friends and opponents of his biography. From there come new contributions such as
the explicit criticism of MP Nicolás Mbadot to the performance of Durán Barba. "He has played too much in his role as a consultant.All seems intended to impose a thesis that, in reality, is not verified: the political intermediation is more useful.But the truth is that In 2015, we won despite him, who is still opposed to the change training, "said the deputy of Fidanza. Critics like these respond, according to the presidential consultant, to jealousy. "In the background, there is a real fact: I am a very close friend of Mauricio and everyone knows it, and there are people who would like to have this proximity. Fidanza reminds him that besides Mbadot, Macri Government are his detractors Emilio Monzó and

Lilita Carrió


Money and love life

Another novelty in this book is that Durán Barba has agreed to talk about sensitive topics to his private life and his pocket. "I fell madly in love with a professor from the University of Comahue, I stayed in Argentina for five years, largely because of that," he said, recalling that In 1972, at the age of 23, he had settled for the first time in the country. Mendoza will study at the Faculty of Philosophy after graduating as a lawyer at the Catholic University of Quito. This woman, whom Durán Barba and Fidanza prefer to keep in reserve, was part of the People's Revolution Army (ERP) and was kidnapped and disappeared in 1977. She rejected Durán Barba's proposal to leave the country together. . At that time, the future star consultant had had at least three different worldviews: the Catholicism in which he had been educated in his childhood, the left sympathized in his university student years and the Peronism that he had. he had met on Argentine soil. His relationship with this teacher "is one of the few problems that make him uncomfortable and nostalgic," says the biographer. And he adds other experiences such as Ecuadorian exile in London during which he interrupted a presentation of
To avoid sing with other companions the Peronist march. About his ideological mutation, the consultant says that he has not changed but that he has matured.

Jaime Durán Barba and Mauricio Macri
Jaime Durán Barba and Mauricio Macri Source: archives

On his fees, he shares the fact that, for an important consultation, he charges ten thousand dollars a day, but this value may vary. "If they are extreme right-wingers I do not like, I give them an ax, but if they are women fighting for their rights, I do not blame them for anything," he says. -he. For every conversation with companies or organizations, which he says he does at least ten times a year, he also charges ten thousand dollars. The Fidanza book also reveals the details of Durán Barba's contracts and operations in its connection with the Macri government.

The author of
The magician of happiness He has the same name as head of the consulting firm Poliarquía, Eduardo Fidanza, which he is not familiar with and that he had been a professor at the Faculty of Sociology of the UBA. Andrés Fidanza is also the author of
He or you Francisco de Narváez and politics as a business plan (South American, 2013), in which Duran Barba is also a relevant figure because he advised the businessman in 2009 during the general elections in the province of Buenos Aires. "Almost provided by Macri, Mayor of Buenos Aires and who had already been advising for five years, Durán Barba has provided his services," said Fidanza. And he adds a very eloquent fact: "When Macri and De Narváez started, they wondered whether they were going to go with Peronism or not and they were on bifurcated roads." From Narváez, he left for search for Peronism
outsider. Durán Barba took a stand for Macri and encouraged him to come out of the clbadic matches. "

In the dialogue with
THE NATIONAs in his book, Fidanza maintains a respectful tone, but no less critical of the figure of the consultant who promotes the slogan "anti-populism or death". The author perceives in Durán Barba "a contradiction in the promotion of the end of ideologies and a certain pacifist attitude, while having a violent speech which sometimes leads him to say that
we are civilized and the populists".



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