Durán Barba rejected the radical vice and admitted a link between Macri and Cristina


The political advisor of the PRO congratulated the former president and downplayed the possible candidacy of Roberto Lavagna. "He is a person equal to many," he said.

The government's chief consultant, Jaime Duran Barba, rejected the possibility that Mauricio Macri's presidential election formula be shared with a leader of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), Cambiemos' main ally.

This is an idea that has been reinforced in recent weeks after radicalism has openly expressed dissatisfaction with the economic policies of Casa Rosada and its electoral strategy.

The adviser to the PRO rejected the possibility mentioned in recent weeks to make a comparison with a case from Ecuador: "Velasco Ibarra was elected five times president of Ecuador and shot down four times by the vice president, a determined conspirator. "Therefore, it is not advisable that the president does not trust the person occupying the vice presidency."

In the same context, said that in Mexico "the thing was so serious that they eliminated the post of vice president." "Macri will have to choose a trustworthy person for this job," he added in an interview with Perfil.

These statements add importance after last Wednesday, the government will confirm that it will negotiate with radicalism the candidacy of Macri in the formula.

Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio said they were "closed to nothing" and that they were ready "to listen to everyone".

"We will put on the table all the issues raised by Cambiemos partners," said the official at a press conference after the cabinet meeting.

In the same vein, the head of ministers, Marcos Peña, said at the end of the sentence that "any man or woman of change can accompany him: that he" s alone. act of Radicalism or Civic Coalition-ARI ". However, he said: "The decision of the vice president corresponds to the president and will bring it closer to the right moment, the closing of the lists."

The Ecuadorian advisor also said some radical leaders "look to the left and others to the right".

Durán Barba also spoke of the positive image of the governor of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal, and the Mayor of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, who surpbades that of President Macri, according to polls.

And he explained that "they do not solve what is happening with the people's economy".

"If Macri did not have that under his responsibility, he would be wonderfully well evaluated," he said.

"People recognize that they fought against drug trafficking, against crime, all of this is fine, but the authority that solves or not the economic problems has this burden as the main burden." Neither Vidal nor Rodríguez Larreta are considered responsible for the fall in employment. , that things are more expensive: it is not their function, "he explained.

Polarization and crack

Casa Rosada decided this year to repeat the formula that gave it the electoral success of 2015 and in 2017, the polarization with Kirchnerism.

However, on the part of the opposition, try to create a broad consensual front to solve this problem, remove Cristina Kirchner from the equation and go with a Peronist candidate to unify the different sectors of the party and add to the socialism and some radicals dissatisfied with Cambiemos.

This strategy highlights the work of the former Minister of the Economy, Roberto Lavagna, who is today the only candidate to have a more positive image than a negative one.

However, Durán Barba downplays his real power in the next presidential election. "Lavagna is a person equal to many," he said. "We have to do a little comparative politics: no Lavagna won the elections in Mexico, no, they were candidates for the senate, the governor, the deputy, they were beaten. it was dramatic, there were several.

"He is a trained man, appreciated by red circles, who has been minister, senator, vice-president, he has been accused of several accusations, supported by many matches or writing papers, and they have lost everything, it is (Geraldo) Alckmin, Brazil, PSDB candidate, a respectable party with respectable people, "he said.

In front of what will be the scenario of the elections of 2019, Durán Barba evaluated the possible candidacy of Cristina Kirchner: "It is a person with merits, with a leadership, beyond, he is not a person for whom I would vote communicate feelings. "

In addition, he revealed that in polls on his confidence, Macri and Cristina Kirchner are "side by side".

"The problem for Cristina Fernández is that if she loses these elections, her political career poses serious problems, she will not be the leader of the opposition, her supporters will lose hope of coming back to power, that is, to say a defeat of Kirchnerism the next election means a reorganization of the whole political scenario, "he said.

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