During STEP, they will strengthen border controls


The Ministry of Security will strengthen the border controls in the north of the country, along 2000 kilometers from La Quiaca to Puerto Iguazú, in order to guarantee the "normality" of the electoral process in the cities close to neighboring countries. They will point to "avoid incidents or crossings without the required documentation".

The border control operation to be launched by the government will aim to "strengthen the controls at entry into the country people, vehicles and transport of people, the goal being that the examination be carried out in a total normal, "said the portfolio in a statement.The actions will be coordinated by the Ministry of Security, responsible Eugenio Burzaco, and the undersecretariat Control and Border Surveillance, by Matías Lobos.

For this, it will display 12,659 men Federal forces that will keep all the national territory – 764 of the gendarmerie, 4451 of the prefecture, 383 of the federal police and 141 of the airport police – and 627 mobile, detailed security. A border monitoring plan will also be put in place "with a strong focus on prevention, to prevent any possible movement of people through unactivated areas".

It was also reported that during this day at the border, "extraordinary openings of marches will not be accepted and usual schedules will be respected". In addition, security forces will pay particular attention to income earned in the days leading up to the elections and during the PASS day, in order to: avoid incidents and cross without registration, detailed the ministry.

"The sending of status reports every three hours" will also be requested and it will be mandatory to report to the coordinator "any strange incident or attempt to crossing without the required documentation"In the province of Salta, controls will be carried out in the cities of Salvador Mazza, San Ramón de New Orue, Aguas Blancas and on Provincial Road 5, near the San Francisco River, while in the province of Jujuy, city of La Quiaca.

In the province of Formosa, troops will travel to areas near the towns of Clorinda and the capital Formosa. In the provinces of Corrientes and Misiones, the area of ​​Paraná Superior will be monitored to prevent any attempt to enter the country by inland waterways into unauthorized areas. In addition, security control in the border centers of mission cities will be strengthened. Posadas and Puerto Iguazú.


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