During the first meeting of his European tour, Guzmán met the German Minister of Economy and Energy: they talked about the IMF and climate change


Guzmán and the German Minister, before the business dinner-meeting
Guzmán and the German Minister, before the business dinner-meeting

During the first meeting of his European tour which aims to seek support for the renegotiation of Argentina’s debt with the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club, the Minister of the Economy, Martin Guzman, met today in Berlin, already in the evening in Germany, with the Federal Minister of the Economy and Energy of this country, Peter Altmeier.

“Argentina and Germany have strategic complementarities in knowledge economies and sustainable energy. We will continue to work to deepen bilateral relations in these areas, “Guzmán said after the meeting, which he described as” very enriching “.

According to the environment of the minister, they said that during the meeting, the two officials reviewed the progress of trade relations between the two countries and the development of renewable energies, as well as ties between Latin America and the European Union.

“Guzmán and Altmaier also discussed the role of multilateral organizations in turning around the global economy amid the COVID 19 pandemic. In addition, the two officials reviewed the goals of the Paris 2050 agreement to combat against climate change and accelerate the necessary actions and investments. for a sustainable environmental future ”, declares a short text published by the economic portfolio.

“Argentina and Germany have strategic complementarities in knowledge economies and sustainable energy. We will continue to work to deepen bilateral relations in these areas, “Guzmán said after the meeting, which he described as” very enriching “.

Guzmán's tweet at the end of the meeting
Guzmán’s tweet at the end of the meeting


“Argentina and Germany have strategic complementarities in knowledge economies and sustainable energy. We will continue to work to deepen bilateral relations in these areas, ”the Argentinian minister said from his Twitter account after the meeting.

The German also posted a message on the social network. “Very good conversation today with @Martin_M_Guzman, Argentina’s Minister of Economy. I wish you much success in the ecological and social renewal of your great country, ”he said.

As part of the European tour, which includes Italy, Spain and France, Guzmán will meet tomorrow, also in Berlin, with Lars Hendrik Roller, Director General for Economic and Financial Policy at the German Chancellery, and other officials. And on Tuesday he will do so with the secretary of the Federal Ministry of Finance, Wolfgang Schmidt, who has a more direct relationship with Guzmán’s main objectives: the renegotiation of the debt with the IMF and the Paris Club. We must not forget that Germany is the main creditor, with more than 37%, of the debt that our country owes to this Club of official creditors.

The agenda will continue in Rome, where Guzmán is due to meet his Italian counterpart in economics and finance, Daniele Franco.

Guzmán and Altmaier;  chin straps and kindness before entering the building where they had dinner and exchanged impressions for over two hours
Guzmán and Altmaier; chin straps and kindness before entering the building where they had dinner and exchanged impressions for over two hours

Dinner and after-dinner

“The objective of the trip is to build understandings, in search of common conceptions in relation to the role of multilateral credit organizations, in the context of the emergency caused by the global pandemic”, indicates the text published by Economía, hence they said The meeting took the form of a “business dinner” and they pointed out that although it was supposed to last an hour and a half, it lasted more than two hours.

“It was at the headquarters of the ministry, with the flags of the two countries on the front and inside. Which is good, because it is not compulsory, formally, ”said a spokesperson for the economic portfolio.

The objectives of Guzmán’s tour, reiterated by Economy, are “to build consensus and understand what Argentina needs to stabilize its economy” and “to gain the necessary support from IMF shareholders (especially the G7 and the G20) to finalize a “May it serve Argentina” program.

The Minister is accompanied by the Director before the IMF for Argentina and the Southern Cone, Sergio Chodos; the head of the International Affairs Coordination and Management Unit, Maia Colodenco, and the chief of staff of the Ministry of the Economy, Melina Mallamace.


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