“Dyzhy” sees herself as Tani: Alberto Fernández’s daughter already has her non-binary identity card | “I am very happy,” he said.


now, daughter of the president Alberto Fernandez, you already have your non-binary username. This was confirmed on his Instagram account, where he showed his new document which has an “X” in the category “sex”.

It is good to understand that a plastic does not say who I am but it protects me in a legal framework to enforce my identity, so I am very happy“, he expressed on the social network.


Tani had announced that he would launch the process on July 21, after the national government presented the new documents recognizing non-binary identities and handed the first three to Valentine Machado, Gerónimo Carolina González Devesa and Shanik Lucián Sosa Battisti.

“I do not consider myself as a man, I consider myself a non-binary person”, he had then declared in a live Instagram. On this occasion, he pointed out that although it will take time for this change to become natural, since people “have to deconstruct themselves”, It is important that the state take the first step towards recognizing these types of rights.

Today it is not rare, it does not attract attention, to see a homosexual couple getting married since equal marriage was approved, ”he exemplified, although he acknowledged that“ there are obviously bad people: transphobic, homophobic ”, who continue to resist these advances.

Non-binary identifier

The change of DNI – which also includes passports – was presented in July, at an event inside the Bicentennial Museum, by President Alberto Fernández, Interior Minister Wado de Pedro, and the Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez. Alcorte.

The announcement was then formalized in the Presidential Decree No. 476/21. “For the purposes of this decree, the nomenclature ‘X’ in the ‘sex’ field will include the following meanings: non-binary, indeterminate, unspecified, undefined, uninformed, self-perceived, unregistered; or another meaning with which the person who does not feel included in the male / female binomial could identify with ”, says article 4.


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