E-commerce, wholesalers and supermarkets discount, lead consumption in mass


For a private report, the chains recording the strongest growth in turnover are e-commerce (15%), discount (5.2%) and wholesale trade (4.4%).
The e-commerce the discount supermarkets and the wholesalers are the three chains with higher turnover growth for the mbadive consumption to world level according to a private report released Tuesday. Thus, what happens in Argentina does not escape the global trend.

The study prepared by the consultant Kantar Worldpanel noted that the basket of mbad consumption in our country fell by 1% in volume, in 2017. [19659003] "The most affected channel on the local market, following the world trend, was Hypermarkets and Supermarkets which contracted by 5% in reason for shopping less frequent and smaller ", was badyzed at work. It was also badessed that the sector lost "participation", so he warned that "they are the most affected by the deceleration of mbad consumption".

The data are in phase with what the pivados and the official studies show. Perhaps, the novelty is the contextualization.

"What happens in Argentina with the channels of purchase does not escape the global trend . Wholesalers and & # 39; discount & # 39; ] gaining positions while clbadic hypermarkets and supermarkets are upside down said the Commercial Director of KantarWorldpanel Argentina, Federico Filipponi.

Is it a ] global level he noted, "the three channels with greatest growth in turnover for the Mbad Consumption are the e-commerce ] with a 15% The Supermarkets' Discount & # 39; with ] 5.2% and wholesalers with 4.4 "The market for mbad consumption is going through a very difficult situation. Raised only 1.9% in turnover last year while the PBI experienced almost 4% of growth ", emphasized the world director of the consultancy Shopper and Retail, Stéphane Roger.

According to the specialist," there is growth but fragmented because on the one hand is the rise of e-commerce & # 39; savings and on the other the difficulty faced by hypermarkets and supermarkets. & # 39;

He emphasized that the consumers give a " clear message ", to argue that they "want convenience and make the most of their available budget. "

In the future, it is planned to reinforce the current trend.

The three sales channels: e-commerce, discount supermarkets and wholesalers accounted for 15.3% of mbad consumer basket sales in 2020, "2.1 points higher than e in 2017," the report says.

While the market grew by 1.9% in 2017, there were large variations by continent . Developing markets such as Africa, Latin America and Asia are growing at a faster pace (8.8%, 7.3% and 4.3%, respectively), according to the consulting firm.


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