Early Brexit: chaos in the Eurotunnel, Franco-British border – 03/11/2019


The border between Calais and Great Britain looked like a fun fair, with red, green and yellow lights, which intermittently extinguished at the controls in the middle of Sunday night. Behind the chaos. Hundreds of cars waiting to cross -24 hours before the "important vote" of the Brexit– the border between the two countries by the Channel Tunnel.

Four hours to cross the migratory pbadage of Calais, which is the border between Great Britain and France thanks to bilateral agreements. A procedure that usually lasts 8 minutes: a pbadage bought online, the pbadage by the French migration, the British migration ever more severe and the 38 minutes of train under the Channel to reach the kingdom.

Eurotunnel, the Brexit border. Noel Smart

Eurotunnel, the Brexit border. Noel Smart

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Sunday night was a reflection of what it will be if Brexit is applied. Miles of waiting lines, full Eurotunnel car parks, endless protest horns. Each car was opened, revised, inspected to detect terrorism. Each pbadport scanned, the pbadenger questioned. As in the 1970s.

This was the "test" of Brexit, which the French unions set in motion to show how long each car will take and how many employees it will take to face the new frontier. They say that the 700 people hired do not reach them. Yesterday, Britain joined. Sunday was the picture of what will happen. Furious people, endless queues, drive late, families with children without food, in a wind of 90 km / h. And the prospect that the Eurotunnel, bought by a British company, is founded after the Brexit. Who will want to live this nightmare?

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When French President François Mitterrand traveled the Channel Tunnel in just 38 minutes, he was delighted with the engineering work, the perfect French of Queen Elizabeth, the Rolls Royce Phantom VI of the Sovereign and the dream of the peace. after the war to unite the continent with Britain. It was May 6, 1994. A police officer, who examined Tandy's old computers to reporters, grumbled: "Have not they invaded us in a thousand years and now they are invading us by train?""It's the spirit of Brexit.

The experience lasts from Tuesday. French officers test the operation of Brexit's new customs style. If on March 29, Great Britain concretizes her dream of leaving the European Union, as they had voted in the referendum on Brexit, these impossible queues of cars and lorries, traffic jams, mess, bad mood, confused orders and lack of infrastructure for this geopolitical regression It will be an everyday affair. Neither France nor Great Britain are willing to check trucks pbading through the tunnel, one by one, with their goods or cars.

"What a joy for the Brexit!", Repeated a French customs officer, who checked the car and held it so that the wind did not drag it.

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On the way, the migrants from Calais searched for every truck with canvas or combi, a last chance to hide and cross the English Channel in a truck to get to their Dorado: Great Britain. The binational terminal is the closest thing to a concentration camp with high white bars, funded by the British, so that migrants do not enter.

The unions say the British have hired more than 700 people to handle the Brexit. But Vicent Thomazo, head of UNDA, one of the unions, said they were asking officers "to do more and more for less". It's a Brexit Low Cost, "denounced.

The experience since Tuesday has blocked the port with trucks, which was already causing problems, the immigrants having retreated on a ferry and not wanting to get off. Highways were full of cars mixed with trucks. The disorder was such that at Dunkirk, the trucks were thrown to the limit with Belgium.

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The British are overwhelmed by instructions of uncertainty: families can not go on vacation after March 29, according to the contingent plans for a no agreement, as they can leave them stranded and without visas, without possibility of returning to the European country kingdom. The falls of tourist reserves are total. Nobody can plan his summer vacation or his school holidays. Tourism is undergoing a complete crisis.

Eurotunnel, the Brexit border. Noel Smart

Eurotunnel, the Brexit border. Noel Smart

An additional 3.5 million Britons have been warned to renew their pbadports in the coming days or risk not being able to travel to Europe. They must be valid for six months to be accepted.


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