Earth Day, a celebration between environmental diplomacy and pandemic


The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest accounts for 40% of Brazil's gas emissions and highlights the concern that exists around the world over the increase in tree felling and fires in this region (EFE)
The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest accounts for 40% of Brazil’s gas emissions and highlights the concern that exists around the world over the increase in tree felling and fires in this region (EFE)

Only the 3% of the land territory is intact, virgin, without human intervention. Almost one million species are in danger of extinction. If we look for figures in Argentina, in 2020, the year of the start of the pandemic, 115,000 hectares of native forest have been lost, the equivalent of the emission of polluting gases produced by 4.5 million vehicles in circulation for a year. There were also fires: not just last year all 24 provinces of the country recorded igneous foci, but just over a month ago the voracious flames burned part of the mountain range and killed three people.

With these figures, the Earth day, an event born 50 years ago as a citizen movement to promote actions for the benefit of the planet and to establish a long-term dialogue on the damage caused to the environment, as well as on the importance of preserving the ecosystem.

View of a forest fire on April 13, 2021, in the city of Tepoztlán, in the state of Morelos, Mexico (EFE)
View of a forest fire on April 13, 2021, in the city of Tepoztlán, in the state of Morelos, Mexico (EFE)

In a year of shutdown due to the circulation of a virus that we still cannot control, did not stop the production of greenhouse gas emissions, those causing global warming, and setting a new historic record: the atmosphere recorded 417 parts per million CO2. With this level of gas in the atmosphere, the world is walking at an average rise of 3 ° C by the end of the century, twice the Paris Agreement target.

Is there any good news? Yes. As the US speaks again about the climate crisis, China’s promises to lower its pollution levels that affect everyone on the planet and the increasingly ambitious targets of the UK, France and from Germany there is hope.

Photograph showing pollution in Lake Uru Uru in Oruro, Bolivia (EFE)
Photograph showing pollution in Lake Uru Uru in Oruro, Bolivia (EFE)

“This Earth Day sees us go through an unprecedented planetary crisis marked by a pandemic of zoonotic origin, closely linked to the aggression that we generate on the planet. Added to this is the serious environmental and climate crisis which, far from disappearing, seems to be getting worse and worse, as evidenced by the fires, the enormous loss of biodiversity and the extinction of species, the serious processes of pollution. and the hundreds of murders of environmental and territorial defenders, ”he explains. Andres Napoli, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Environment and Natural Resources (Farn).

And he adds: “However, on this Earth Day, two events will occur that may be important: the entry into force of the Escazú agreement [acuerdo que protege los derechos de los defensores ambientales] and the meeting of presidents for climate change. Two facts which, to the extent that policies, actions, cooperation between countries and greater commitment can be established, can mark a change of trend ”.

Joe Biden, President of the United States, leads the Climate Leaders Summit (EFE / EPA)
Joe Biden, President of the United States, leads the Climate Leaders Summit (EFE / EPA)

Napoli refers to Climate Leaders Summit which will last until tomorrow, led by the President of the United States, Joe biden; in which other planetary rulers such as the Chinese president will also be, Xi Jinping; the Brazilian, Jair Bolsonaro; Argentinian, Alberto Fernandez and the Chilean, Sebastian piñera, among others. the dad Francisco virtually.

In order to Inés Camilloni, Conicet scientist, expert in Climate Change, it is essential to appeal to science, urgent solutions and solidarity: “These are the three essential elements to lay the foundations for the necessary actions against climate change. Science and innovation are essential to generate the necessary knowledge and tools decarbonize the economy and contribute to the design of adaptation strategies to an increasingly threatening and less predictable climate. Climate change is and will be present for many decades with varying levels of danger in accordance with the ambition of the climate policies implemented and the effectiveness of the necessary lifestyle transformations. ANDThe success of efforts to eradicate poverty, reduce asymmetries and build a resilient and inclusive society depends on our current and future use of resources and principles of solidarity. and justice that guides actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. “

One planet, one health

According to UNEP, (United Nations Environment Program) every four months a new infectious disease appears in humans and 75% of these diseases are of animal origin. “This shows the close relationships between human, animal and environmental health.”, Explains the organism.

the "esmog" o Fog mixed with smoke and airborne particles fall on the Forbidden City in Beijing, China (EFE)
“Smog” or fog mixed with smoke and airborne particles falls on the Forbidden City in Beijing, China (EFE)

Manuel Jaramillo, Executive Director of Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, explains: “He has been here billions of years before us, it will surely be after we leave. In a very short time, we discovered it, colonized, used and, in many cases, degraded and devastated. Although we consider it our own, we did not support it as if it was. Today our land does not only need to be maintained and conserved, it must be restored and that is why the United Nations has considered this decade to be the decade of restoration.. “

Chimneys in an oil and gas refinery (EFE)
Chimneys in an oil and gas refinery (EFE)

Not only is it essential to restore environments and ecosystems for Jaramillo; We must also reformulate the productive and socio-economic processes: “We must also restore the links between men and nature who inhabit this Earth, understand that our word implies that it belongs to everyone and therefore how we all have control. right to live and enjoy it. , everything we have a duty to protect and take care of. Mother Earth, as we also call her, has already birthed us and cared for us as we grew up as a society. Today, already mature and responsible, we must begin to give back to him part of what he gave us with love. “

Concretely, several Argentinian NGOs and youth movements such as Ecohouse Yes Youth for the climate, they animate the debate so that environmental crimes are included in the Argentine Penal Code.

Photograph of a deforested jungle terrain, February 22, 2020 (EFE)
Photograph of a deforested jungle terrain, February 22, 2020 (EFE)

We are reaching a breaking point. The current climate, biodiversity and health crisis forces us to act accordingly. Sadly, most governments and businesses are heading in the same suicidal direction. But more and more people are mobilizing to defend their territories and for a development model different from the one that is leading us to collapse. The prohibition and penalization of clearing and forest fires is a key and urgent step. Since more deforestation is more climate change, more loss of biodiversity, more floods, more evictions of peasant and indigenous communities, ”he said. Hernan Giardini, campaign manager for Forests of Greenpeace Argentina.

“This day invites us to reflect and act urgently on our relationship with the planet and its fragile and vital ecosystems, such as forests, wetlands, oceans, glaciers, and to take responsibility for taking care of them. ‘them for present and future generations, “he added. .

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