Easter 2021: when it falls, what holidays are in March and why it is celebrated


Classes start across the country Yes end a temposummer berry affected by coronavirus, with decimated tourism and special increbles To try save it, before this people before this people Yes wonder about the upcoming holidays and how much they can move What days do you work andn March and when does Easter fall?


As for the month that begins, the National Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice on Wednesday March 24 and this is considered an immobile holiday. For their part, on Sunday 28 and Monday 29, those who practice the Jewish religion will not have to go to work either thanks to the easter peephole.


Holy Week, always established on Sunday immediately after the first full moon after the March equinox, will be celebrated in 2021 between Saturday March 27 and Monday April 5, coinciding with the date of the veteran and dead in the Falklands War, commemorated annually on April 2. Thursday and Good Friday, non-working days, will then fall respectively on April 1 and 2 and Easter Sunday on April 4.


This week of strong liturgical activity among Christians commemorates the Passion of Christ, i.e. your entry into Jerusaln, the last supper, the Stations of the Cross, his death and resurrection. It starts with Palm Sunday, installed the March 27 this year, and ends Sunday Resurrection, what to be the April 4.

The most important days of Holy Week refer to the Paschal Triduum, that is to say, from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday at dawn. During this moment, the Pasin, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth in the world with a variety of religious manifestations such as processions The penances.

The dates established for Holy Week affect not only religious but also sector turstico, which usually gets a large flow of people during the long weekend, commerce and school calendar.

Thus, in view of Pope Francis’ plan to set a fixed date for Easter (the second or third Sunday in April), it will stop depending on the astral calculations Yes it was unified with the date celebrated by the Orthodox, separated from Rome since the eleventh century.


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