Easter by car: tips for traveling safely on the route


Holy Week arrives and the rest begins when start the enginein this note you are told what to check the car to avoid trouble and we give you road safety recommendations take care of yourself and others.

The mandatory documentation to go to the road and we will tell you in this note. It is now time to leave the car in good condition, to rest the night before and handle with caution.

What to check the car

Fluids I've measured the oil (make sure you do not have to change it), the coolant, the brake fluid and the water wipers.

The tyres Alignment, balance, general condition and pressure. That they are not outdated (they should not be taken more than five years) and that the tread design is deep enough (we explain here a way to do home). It is essential to inflate them with pressure recommended by the manufacturer. It's usually between 30 and 35 pounds.

The lights Both its operation and its alignment. The latter will allow you to light the route accordingly but also not dazzle to those who come from the front. All this makes for security.

He will also check the status and proper functioning of the windscreen wipers, the seatbelts, timing belt and hoses.

Recommendations for the driver

Rest well the previous night: driving tired is dangerous.

Plan the trip and stops. It is advisable to stop at least to stretch your legs every two hours.

-Make sure everyone Travel attached with the seat belt. The maximum number of people you can take is the seatbelt of the car.

DO NOT use the mobile phone before leaving for the road or during stops (eg for lunch).

Do not drink alcohol before leaving on the road or during stops (eg for lunch)

-Minors of 12 years always late with the appropriate chair to your weight and size (make sure to fix it properly).

-The mascots they must be properly fastened with the specific seat belt. Never let go.

-To avoid things in bulk inside (when braking suddenly, they can hit the occupants).

-If the luggage is carried on the roof, it is a luggage rack closed and hermetic.


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