Easy money or pyramid? What is the occupation of abundance and how does it work?


Flower or Abundance Craft, Prosperity Mandala, Wheel of Friendship, Gratitude Cell. The name changes depending on the space and the broadcast time, but the goal is the same: Create informal investment networks under the promise of making big gains without too much effort.

Spread under the nickname of "Solidarity economy", this proposal is remastered over the years, adapting to the different trends of the moment. In most current cases, it is popularized with feminist flags, inviting women to "take charge and realize their dreams".

The mechanism consists of a person identified as "water" who is at the center of the group and will receive the money, two under the term "earth" which surrounds it, and "Airs", it will have to obtain new contributors: the "fires".

Once the water "loads", it is removed and the rest of the categories go up in level. The biggest problem is that Unlimited revenue is needed from the system to keep the channel off and payments continue.

Although it is considered a long-standing scam because it provides money to a few at the expense of the many other investments that are often left on the road, the lawyer Sergio Mohadeb explains on his website Straight in slippers What, from the legal point of view, it depends on the transparency during the dissemination of the rules of the initiative and the subsequent consent of the members.

"This is not necessarily a pyramid scam, it depends on the information that gives (or hides) those who enter and the good faith of the participants. There may be "innocent" trades although, as in any activity, there have been allegations of scams", Says the lawyer, although this clarifies: "When new contributors or" donors "stop entering, the structure may collapse".

The occupation of abundance is not debatable, it is not ideological. These are pure mathematics and a very old type of scam that sometimes comes back disguised as something else. The fact of not being deceived does not justify it. Only the hustler returns to you even if you do not know it.

– Julia Mengolini (@juliamengo) July 9, 2019

Offers to enter continue viralizándose with the pbadage of years through Whatsapp, Twitter or Instagram, even if in October 2016, the Office of Economic Crime and Money Laundering (PROCELAC) warned of the danger of this type of system..

"The money entered is not intended for any activity generating profits in itself, so that the opportunity to obtain the promised profit depends exclusively on the entry of new participantsHe added: "The public collection of funds requires an authorization from the competent authorities, such as central bank where the National Securities Commission"

I thought it was a joke on the loom of plenty … Do not fall into pyramid trading, networks or any other understatement. ALL companies in which you have to pay or "buy" something, get 5, which in turn must get 5, and so … they are a scam pic.twitter.com/4K8xKDdO3G

– Martin Tetaz (@martintetaz) July 8, 2019

In social networks, multiply the same memes that approach the issue with criticism and sarcasm.

The Simpsons predicted the loom of abundance … pic.twitter.com/UUW805xTS9

– 2019 with #LesFernandez (@SrOtroFernandez) July 10, 2019

The occupation of abundance of monotributism
(I was sent by wtp) pic.twitter.com/9YWztKBbMZ

– Juan Francisco Viera (@JuanFViera) July 10, 2019

Here they explain the impending abundance … pic.twitter.com/UKcML2Vn5P

– Fito Mendonca Paz (@fitomendonca) July 9, 2019

When they want to add you to the craft of abundance pic.twitter.com/aoWYwvK9Ll

– Attenti al Lupo (@nicolupo) July 6, 2019

The Simpsons predicted the occupation of abundance pic.twitter.com/hJ11BhmMwS

– Diego Tajer (@diegotajer) July 6, 2019

If I get messages from Amway, Loom of Plenty, Pay Diamond, PSA Water Filters, Herbalife and make money traveling. It would be my social networks pic.twitter.com/88UR7MUtjh

– Lauty.S # 15N (@lautysussini) July 9, 2019

I've warned everyone of the scam badociated with the female loom, Flower of Abundance, Amway and Herbalife. pic.twitter.com/fQ8yoSugA4

– Fede (@AcidoGalactico) July 8, 2019

Hey, do you want to participate in the business of abundance? pic.twitter.com/pMZZiVdqwt

– facundo (@facundiando) July 7, 2019

My aunt has found herself in an abundant loom and now she wants to pick me up pic.twitter.com/tMmavt4lB5

– Strode (@imstrode) July 9, 2019


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