Easy trigger also in Texas | A white policeman …


A Texas police officer in the United States shot dead a black woman shortly after shouting that she was pregnant, in an incident on Monday night and being filmed by a neighbor. , who then charged it on the networks. The fact was reported only yesterday in the local media.

The shooting in which Pamela Shantay Turner lost her life, identified by relatives, took place in the city of Baytown, forty kilometers from Houston, the main city of Texas. Local police lieutenant, Steve Dorris, said the officer was patrolling an apartment complex and had attempted to arrest the 45 – year – old woman, whom the officer was already familiar with because he was in trouble. she had asked to be located for an earlier cause. who has not given more details, for which his words can not be confirmed.

In the video, taken by one of the neighbors, we hear the woman saying to the agent: "You are harbading me" and "I'm heading to my house". The pictures show the officer apparently trying to handcuff the woman, but she is released. Immediately, the officer fires with his Taser gun and the woman falls to the ground. Then there is a fight in which the woman shouts "Why?", But the agent does not respond and continues to try to stop him. She waves her arms and shouts, "I'm pregnant."

The fight was continuing and, according to Baytown police, the woman "could take control of the stun gun and use it against the agent", although nothing in the video corroborates the police version. In the video, we see the agent pull out and shoot five times against Shantay Turner.

Dorris reported that the police officer, with eleven years' experience in the police department, was "forced" to shoot the woman after seizing the officer's electric pistol and using it against her, although Agent in uniform did not sustain serious injuries and did not comment when asked why none of this had been recorded in the video. And he pointed out that he had tried to keep her alive until the arrival of the ambulance, but that Turner was already dead upon his arrival. The police also indicated that she still could not confirm if she was pregnant and that the autopsy would determine it.

"It's a tragic event for everyone involved, of course, our heart is with the family of the deceased and with our officer," said the lieutenant on the social networks of the company. The lieutenant said the police were aware of the video that was circulating on social networks and that the investigators wanted to talk to the person who had recorded the incident because he had witnessed the shooting.

On the other hand, Floyd Rubin, who has two children with Turner, told a news channel that the police had not communicated details to his family about the shootings.

According to a local newspaper, the police officer received three days of paid administrative leave as part of the "usual practice" of the police department in this type of business.


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