Ebola, the new ghost arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo


In a store in the Mikeno district, in the city of Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, customers talk about this new ghost who reached the city: Ebola.

There are opinions on everything, some neighbors try to convince others to be cautious, while skeptics condemn the fact that it is a strategy of whites and politicians. "This disease does not exist, it is an invention of thieves to make money," said one of them.

Ebola is new to Goma. He entered the city in mid-July. On July 16, the first case of Ebola in Goma, the evangelical pastor who imported the virus from the Butembo outbreak, died. In Goma, they will be prepared in case it is necessary to welcome new patients.

Although already 1,700 deaths in the east of the countryFurther north, this first case in Goma led the World Health Organization to declare the epidemic an "international public health emergency". Because? Because of the size, the movement of the city, its location on the border with Rwanda and the number of foreigners living there.

"We will continue our efforts over the past year and intensify border surveillance measures to protect our neighbors," said Minister of Public Health Oly Ilunga Kalenga, who is visiting Goma a few hours before presenting his report. resignation. by pressures on the vaccines.

Chlorine faucets and awareness messages have become common in markets, restaurants and public buildings. But in the neighborhoods, many people do not believe it. he skepticism and conflict They have prevented the control of this epidemic for a year and now the people of Goma badume a great responsibility.

Single treatment center

"There is a real need to reposition communities and patients at the center of the response," says Antoine Gauge, Ebola team leader for Doctors Without Borders.

For the time being, there is only one treatment center in a city of two million inhabitants. It has 22 beds, is in the center and inside the general hospital. A time bomb. However, the authorities and Doctors Without Borders are completing another center, which has just been built on the outskirts of the city, isolated and with much more capacity.

As the wait turns to countdown, at the street level, many people no longer greet each other by shaking hands, just in case. Ebola appears in all conversations.

By Gemma Peralda.


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