Eclipse: he ran naked on the beach shouting “the end of the world has come” | the Chronicle


he solar eclipse that could be observed from certain points in Argentina and Chile was all the rage and raised high expectations for thousands of people who traveled to the cities where it could be seen best. Although not all people reacted in the same way to this astronomical phenomenon.

Such is the case of a man who appeared completely naked and surprised those who wanted to enjoy the eclipse on a beach in Pucón, Chile, shouting: “The end of the world has arrived. “

Juan Andrés Salfate, from the “Hola Chile” program, was precisely in the area with a team from his channel and explained that the man He tried to get in by car, but the sand prevented him.

“On his own he goes to the beach with the car with the intention of arriving where we were about 50 people”said Salfate, who recalled how a few minutes later the subject “he started hitting the windshield, leaving bloodstains on his wrists. “

At first they thought it was some kind of joke, but the man attacked some people, pushing and hitting them.

According to Salfate’s account, the naked man threatened with sentences like “The end has come and if it’s not like that, I’ll kill them all”.

The coast guard, military and navy caught him, while one of those attacked filed a complaint against him.

The situation ended with the subject’s detention and according to the authorities, the man allegedly acted under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

“Police personnel and with the support of Aramada went to the scene and detained him. The subject has been arrested and tomorrow (Tuesday) he will attend the detention review hearing.”, said the prosecutor Jorge Calderara.

The video of the man who ran naked during the eclipse


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