Ecuador: Cristina Kirchner calls for the release of Paola Pabón


The former president used his Twitter account to initiate this call to the attention of the prefect of Pichincha and another detainee

Cristina Kirchner, through Twitter, asked for the freedom of Paola Pabón, the prefect of Pichincha, arrested in Ecuador by court order, and Gabriela Rivanedeira, in the presidential direction of Lenín Moreno.

"Democracy has a woman's name and in Ecuador, it is imprisoned. Freedom to Paola Pabón, prefect of Pichincha, prisoner and Gabriela Rivanedeira, asylum. Women, young people, engaged and voted by their people, "tapped the former president.

To integrate

Cristina's application was due to the order of a judge of the Pichincha Provincial Court of Justice, who had issued an order of preventive detention against the prefect (governor) of the Province of Pichincha, Paola Pabón.

The arrest was linked to possible criminal acts recorded during social protests a few days ago.

The Attorney General's office announced that the judge had pronounced on the alleged crime of rebellion during the protests.


There was an agreement and Lenín Moreno canceled the economic measures

The prefect says that she is a victim of a "Persecution of political opponents", after experiencing his alignment with former president Rafael Correa, to whom the Lenin Moreno government had attributed responsibility for the organization of the rebellion, with the apparent aim of overthrowing it.

The prosecutor's office also carried out a search of the headquarters of Correa's new political party, the Citizen Revolution, as part of its investigations into violence at demonstrations.


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