Ecuador Fraud Report: The Importance Of Ma …


From Quito.Ecuador is on the brink of a key election, where there are reportedly threats of fraud. This was indicated by a confidential source of the National Electoral Council (CNE) who revealed how an attempt is underway to create a change in the numbers at two central points in the electoral process: the number of votes at the polls and the counting process, especially in the event of an adjusted difference between Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso, the two candidates facing each other.

In this framework, there would be key provinces due to the flow of votes and the results obtained in the first round. One of those points is Manabí, with 1.2 million voters representing 8.14% of the national electoral list, where Arauz won in the first round with 52.22% of the vote, while Lasso obtained 14, 75, that is to say the greatest difference obtained in the country. of the Union for Hope candidate.

In Manabí, according to the CNE source who revealed the information published last Wednesday, changes have been made to the structure of electoral power in the last 48 hours in order to carry out the possible fraud they seek to commit. This involved the appointment of a new provincial director, Fernando Toledo, appointed by the vice president of electoral power, Fernando Pita, who, in turn, was placed in this space by Lasso.

The change of director in Manabí was complemented in the last two days, via Toledo, with the appointment of nine other people to key positions in the electoral power structure. This is the case with the designation of Wilson hinojosa, appointed in charge of the coordination of the electoral process of Manabí, that is to say of the logistics of the electoral process, with the management and supervision of the warehouses of the provincial direction, as well as the supervision and suggestion of the personnel in charge of counting the votes.

Along with Toledo and Hinojosa, other key personnel were appointed, some from the Quito CNE, such as lawyers, people assigned to vote counting, as in the case of Daisy schinse Yes Lenin Cisneros. Other appointments were, for example, that of the councilor of the provincial council of Manabí, Diego Analuisa, and key people for what would be possible changes in the count, such as Stalin Zambrano, which would be at the heart of the moment of digitizing the tally sheets.

The changes made to Manabí over the past 48 hours aren’t the only ones. Also in Pichincha province, which accounts for 17 percent of the census, the provincial director was changed, assuming Edmundo Munoz. These last minute changes would be, says the source, part of the process of fraud that we seek to carry out Sunday in favor of the presidential candidate Lasso, an engineering that would be important especially in the event of a strong gap between the two candidates.

This adjusted scenario would be, explains who is part of the CNE, the table of possible maneuvers, which could occur in the minutes themselves, in the counting, as well as in the way in which the electoral results will be loaded and presented, which will be progressively downloaded. . From seven in the afternoon towards the electoral power system, according to the president of the organ, Diana Atamaint.

Threats against the contest in Ecuador have been repeated since the start of the contest, from the time of the presidential registration of Andres Arauz until the last few hours. It is a scenario that takes place in the last years of politics in Ecuador, marked by the persecution of correismo, in what has been one of the most profound processes of law and of attempted exile of a political force in Latin America.


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