Ecuador: Guillermo Lasso will govern by telematics from Miami while recovering from an operation


Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso (Photo: EFE / Presidency of Ecuador)
Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso (Photo: EFE / Ecuadorian Presidency)

Since Sunday, June 20, the President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, is outside the governing country. The president is in Miami, United States. You will undergo a surgery of medium complexity.

The surgery will serve, as reported by the General Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency, for President Lasso regain mobility and put down your cane. The procedure will remove a cyst from the lumbar section of Lasso’s back and will not compromise the spinal cord.

To attend the surgery, Lasso will be absent from Ecuador for nine days. He is expected to return to his agenda in the country on June 30, according to what was reported by his press service when the medical intervention was announced.

The first president left from Guayaquil Air Base. Lasso traveled with four people: his wife and the first lady María de Lourdes Alcívar, in addition to three soldiers.

Despite the fact that the Constitution of Ecuador provides that in the absence of the president, the vice-president will temporarily assume his functions; Lasso decided to “stay in office” and did not delegate the presidency to Alfredo Borrero, vice president of Ecuador.

“Illness or other circumstance of force majeure which prevents you from exercising your function during a maximum period of three months», Reads the Constitution. Based on what is written in the Constitution in Article 149, Vice-President Borrero is expected to replace the President. However, there is no ban on remaining in office when leaving the country, which is the case with Guillermo Lasso.

I am still in charge of the office of the President of the Republic, You now know the facilities of technology, I will be a phone call away, communication via Zoom, so I will continueLasso said.

This would imply that Lasso would even have to be aware of what is happening in Ecuador while he is recovering.: “It is a moderately invasive operation and I will be in the clinic for three days,” said the president.

Details of the surgery

Barth Green, one of the most prestigious surgeons in the world, will operate on the President of Ecuador. Surgery is being considered medium complexity and will last between an hour and a half and two hours.

Green is the founder of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis (Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, in Spanish), a spinal cord injury research center considered to be the largest in the world and based in the state of Florida.

In a newspaper interview Universe from Ecuador, Vice President Alfredo Borrero, who is also a neurosurgeon, said: “A few years ago the President had a fractured tibia and fibula in Spain … They did an epidural puncture and at that time they punctured the dura, and it bled. “.

Borrero explained that in surgery, doctors will make a two-centimeter incision in the back, which will allow them to reach the cyst by microsurgery (laparoscopy). Then, they make a one-centimeter incision in the dura – a membrane that covers the entire nervous system – and a catheter – a thin tube usually made of soft, flexible plastic – will be placed from the cyst to the peritoneum – a membrane that covers the entire abdomen. . The catheter goes under the skin and drains fluid from the cyst.

As to whether Lasso will regain his mobility and leave his cane, Borrero noted that the cyst presses on the nerve of Lasso’s right leg, which prevents the transmission of energy to the muscle. “The goal is for the cyst to shrink and the nerve to stop exerting pressure, and to start transmitting energy to the muscle so that it improves muscle mass and can leave the cane in the medium term.“He said in the interview.


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