Ecuador has announced its departure from Unasur | Chronic


The Ecuadorian government has confirmed its "definitive retirement"From Unasur.In addition, he will request the return of the building in which the agency operates, in Quito, and will delete the statue of his first general secretary, Néstor Kirchner "We decided to suspend the application of the constituent treaty. This means we will stop participating in the activities. We will not include more contributions in your budget "explained the president Lenin Moreno, at the same time he remembered that "for a year, half of the member states do not participate and do not contribute ".

Dear compatriots, to the whims of some irresponsible leaders, @unasur it has become a political platform that has destroyed the dream of integration that they have sold us. This is why we launched the internal procedures to officially leave the UNASUR Treaty.

– Lenín Moreno (@Lenin)
March 14, 2019

In addition, he announced that they would remove the installed Kirchner statue instead. "This does not represent the values ​​and ethics of our peoples South America has a plethora of heroes and heroes who represent us", he said. Ecuador joins Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru, who have already left Unasur.


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