Ecuador: indigenous movement agreed to dialogue with Lenín Moreno | Chronic


The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), which runs protests against the economic austerity measures adopted by the government, has accepted the dialogue proposed by the president. Lenin Morenoafter ten days of demonstrations and riots in the country.

Despite initially refusing to talk to Moreno about rebuilding fuel subsidies, the main demand for demonstrations, when internal clashes began to emerge, was announced in a statement by CONAIE. President

The change of position of the main federation of indigenous peoples of Ecuador comes after "a process of consultation with communities, organizations, peoples, nationalities and social organizations", indicated in a statement posted on the website and on the Twitter account of Conaie.

The contents of this statement had already circulated last night, but the direction of Conaie, led by Jaime Vargas, the text had been described as false and the original position of not speaking was reiterated until the repeal of Decree 883, which removed fuel subsidies.

They also initially demanded the resignation of the Minister of Government (of the Interior), Maria Paula Romoand defense, Oswaldo vase, to those who are responsible for suppressing demonstrations.

Now, however, the indigenous movement will dialogue in order to repeal the decree but also to "revise" it, although it has made it clear that it will not speak "on any compensation", while nothing is mentioned about the ministers.

Reconciliation between the government and indigenous positions comes after at least four people were killed, more than 850 injured and more than 1,000 detainees were registered across the country during protests that began on October 3 .


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