Ecuador on fire: 2 dead and 570 people arrested | Chronic


A young man died Tuesday from injuries sustained during one of the demonstrations in Ecuador. Two people died following protests against the economic measures taken by the government that have shaken the country for a week.

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Marco Oto, 26, is one of the people who fell Monday from the San Roque Bridge in Quito, during a police chase in which several young people were caught between motorized agents and a fence, located in the middle of the bridge, The Ecumenical Commission on Human Rights (Cedhu), quoted by the EFE news agency, said in a statement.

The Ecuadorian National Police confirmed in a statement that two people (including the deceased) had fallen from the bridge and were transported in a van and admitted to the rheumatoid arthritis hospital Carlos Andrade Marín.

"The transfer was made with great difficulty because of the refusal of protesters in the area that prevented the ambulance from progressing", according to the police.

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For the moment, the police have not confirmed the death of the young man but dismissed any assumption involving his agents, while several videos posted on social networks have fostered controversy over the circumstances in which the young man was killed. event is produced.

This is the second death confirmed during protests against the economic measures taken by the president Lenin Moreno under an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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The first took place on a road near the city of Cuenca, in southern Ecuador, when Chilpe Rail, 35, was struck by a vehicle while participating in another demonstration.

As for the detainees, the secretary of the presidency, Sebastian Roldan, confirmed that there are 570 since last Thursday and that most of them have been arrested for criminal acts.


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