Ecuador will expel Assange in a matter of hours or days, says WikiLeaks


Ecuador is considering expelling the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, of the London embbady and has reached an agreement with the United Kingdom for his arrest, reported Wikileaks, citing a source from the Ecuadorian government. "A high-level source within the Ecuadorian state has told Wikileaks that Julian Assange would be deported in" hours or days, "WikiLeaks said on Twitter.

WikiLeaks said that, according to the anonymous source, the proposed eviction responds to the recent tweet from the organization with a link to a website that reports money laundering and bribery. the time of Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno, UN Special Envoy. for disabled people in Geneva. Ecuadorian Foreign Minister José Valencia said last month that the government was very surprised by this measure and by other measures taken by Assange and his lawyers.

The website in question also included links to emails and mobile screenshots that link Moreno to the corruption scandal. At a national broadcast on February 27, the president denied any irregularities. Last year, Ecuador introduced regulations governing the life of Assange in his embbady in London. The protocol, which warned that he could be deported if he violated the conditions, included public statements that could harm the host government.

"We must defend Mr. Assange's life, but Too often, this has resulted in violations of the agreement we made with him. It's not that he can not speak freely, but he can not lie or hack private phones. He can not intervene in the politics of friendly countries because he is on Ecuadorian territory and we are responsible for it, "Moreno said in an interview last Tuesday.

Assange, to whom Ecuador granted asylum in 2012, lost domestic and international lawsuits against the protocol.


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