Eduardo Valdés: "This banking operation is not made in Macri, but to Alberto Fernández" – Telam


Eduardo Valdés, former Argentine ambbadador to the Holy See and current Mercosur MP, said on Sunday that "this banking operation is not done to Mauricio Macri, but to Alberto Fernández", and noted that while he was at the Front of all, no one left. insulting the president "during the last week, Elisa Carrió and Miguel Angel Pichetto have" said the worst ".

"This banking operation is not made in Macri, but to Alberto Fernández, who is next.It happened in 89. The citizen Fernández is only a candidate for the presidency.But Mauricio Macri is already considered defeated and therefore seeks to condition the incoming president, "said Valdés during a dialogue with Radio de la Ciudad.

"This government has received a dollar to 9 dollars, and where did it take? The political climate is it embarrbaded by Alberto Fernández or Elisa Carrió claiming the barbarity he says?" Said Valdez, replicating and the government versions, which held the candidate responsible. President of the Front of All to generate "instability" by his statements.

"On the front of all, no one has insulted the president in these weeks of acute crisis and, however, Carrió and Pichetto say the worst." Macri must direct all his forces. Is very hard to believe that they want to talk sincerely about the economic crisis, if every person who leaves the office of the president says the whole scandal, "said the former ambbadador of Argentina to the Holy See .

"Alberto Fernández must be the president of transparency and national unity to end the crack in Argentina.In this, I appreciate the gestures that he makes, I hope that & # 39; They are reciprocal, "said the leader.


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