Effect of devaluation: foreign tourism grew by 23.1% in the first quarter


According to the International Tourism Statistics report that propagated the organization, In March, 267,600 people entered the country for tourism, an increase of 23.8%.

In the same month, outflows amounted to 387,400 inhabitants, a figure corresponding to a year-on-year decrease of 15.1%.

Ezeiza and Aeroparque airports concentrated 88.5% of tourist arrivals during the quarter, with an inter-annual increase of 19.5% and 78.8% of departures with a decrease of 18.8% compared to the same period of the previous year.

The largest number of tourists came from European countries, with 66,100 people, representing an annual increase of 12.3%.

Next come Brazil with 61.9 000 tourists and an increase of 76.3% over the previous year, followed by the United States and Canada with 38 800 arrivals and an increase of 12.7%.

In the rest of the airports, the inflow of tourism from abroad in March recorded a 60% increase compared to the same month of the previous year, mainly from Chile, the United States, Brazil and the group of countries of the "Rest of America".

The Argentines left mainly for Brazil, 28.5%; "Rest of America", 21.0%; and "United States and Canada", 19.4%.

The average number of stays of Argentine residents traveling for tourism was 15.7 nights, mainly in Europe (26.8 nights), followed by Bolivia (17.2%) and the "Rest of America" ​​block with 15.9 nights


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