Effect "reperfilamiento": The dollar rises to 62 dollars in country and country risk to 2167


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Predictable market reaction to what is considered a 'selective default' on what was announced on Wednesday 29/8 withrebalancing of debt"What the Minister of Finance has stated, Hernán Lacunza.

The dollar rose by two pesos when the markets opened and traded at $ 58 for the purchase and $ 62 for the sale at the National Bank.

The US currency had closed yesterday at $ 56 and $ 60, respectively, on the board of the BNA.

On the other hand, Argentine bonds governed by foreign legislation record significant declines of nearly 3% and dollar futures contracts are traded with increases above 14% over a period of one year.

Argentine securities were in red on Wall Street, shortly before the official conference, bonds maturing in 2021 and 2022 causing losses of more than 2.8%.

For papers subject to local legislation, the largest decline was recorded for Bonar 37 with a decline of 8.4% and the dollar pair with a 7.9% decline.

In dollar futures, with delivery, as of May 2020, the note is quoted at 104.50 pesos, which represents an increase of 12% compared to yesterday.

In non-delivery contracts, one year is agreed at 116.64 pesos, up 14.24% from yesterday.


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