Efficacy confirmed in combination of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines – Summary 3


In the midst of the race to get more vaccines to inoculate the majority of the population, many countries have started to develop studies to test the effectiveness of the vaccine combination.

In this sense, the pediatrician Gonzalo Pérez Marc confirmed Channel 3 that between Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines “interchangeability is safe and does not reduce efficacy”.

As he said, the combination can be tested among all vaccines, “but it has to be done.” So far, testing has only been done between components produced by these two labs.

On the other hand, he felt that “Next month we will be able to find out if the interchangeability between Sputnik with Sinopharm, Moderna and AstraZeneca is working.”

In addition, Pérez Marc announced that he was working on the study of a new vaccine, the main component of which is vegetable.

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“It is approved in phase 2 and is now in phase 3”, he commented, adding that it contains “between 50 and 70 times more neutralizing antibodies” than the vaccines we have today. “But you have to prove efficiency in using people,” he commented.

In addition, he explained that this vaccine can be stored in a common refrigerator, which significantly reduces the costs.

Interview with Fernando Genesir.


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