"Efficiency errors" | Maduro, interviewed by …


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was interviewed by Spanish journalist Jordi Évole for the program Salvados on La Sexta. He answered about the European ultimatum calling for elections, the possibility of a civil war in Venezuela and the recent arrest of journalists.

"Why does the European Union have to give orders to a country?" Maduro said, rejecting the bloc's eight-day deadline for calling elections, on pain of recognizing self-proclaimed President Juan Guaidó. "It's as if I had told the European Union that I gave it seven days to recognize Catalonia," said the Venezuelan leader. "I do not refuse to summon them, there will be elections in 2024," Maduro insisted during the presidential election. He recalled that the National Assembly should be renewed.

At one point in the interview, the reporter proposed to call Guaidó, a political party in which Maduro said: "S / he answers you, I speak." The call was routed to the voicemail and the Venezuelan president left a message: "That he thinks well what he does, he's a young man, he has many years of struggle.This does not hurt the country, the abandonment of the strategy of coup d'etat.It stops simulating a presidency for which no one has chosen. if you want to contribute something you feel at a conversation table, face to face. "

Maduro said that "there is only one president of Venezuela" and he gave the example: "If I subscribe to an economic decree, the armed forces are reunited ". He added about Guaidó that "this person is not empowered by any article, it is a self-proclaimed joke on a square, it has no constitutional, legal, protocolary, formal basis" .

Asked about the possibility of a civil war in the country, he baderted that "no one today can give with certainty an answer to this question" because "everything depends on the level of madness and of Aggressiveness of the northern empire and its western allies ". "We are asking that no one intervene in internal affairs and we are preparing to defend our country," he warned. When asked if he was "willing to arm the people", Maduro replied that "the people already have weapons from a professional and constitutional point of view". "If you want peace, prepare to defend it," he said. With this in mind, the Venezuelan president sent a message to his American counterpart Donald Trump: "You make mistakes that will stain your hands with blood, Bolivarians have the capacity for dialogue, understanding, we will respect each other. you repeat a Vietnam? "

Evole questioned Maduro about detaining journalists last week, including three Spaniards from the EFE agency who were arrested for 24 hours. The Venezuelan president said that it was "a news of the scandal" and has downplayed: he said it was "bad news". a "control situation that they have certainly made" to the journalists.

Then, the president of Venezuela launched a brief self-criticism. After clarifying that his country was "undoubtedly the victim of external aggression", he admitted that his administration "failed in many ways". "I think there are a lot of mistakes in the efficiency of the government," he acknowledged, although he badyzed that "Venezuela does not have no humanitarian crisis, Venezuela has a political and economic crisis ".

Finally, Maduro denied having considered leaving the presidency of his country before consulting the journalist:

-Volume: Have you ever thought of leaving?

-Maduro: Starting for where?

-To leave it

-Let that?

-The Presidency

-But why if people have chosen me for six years?


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