Eggs boiled in the microwave, exploded and lost an eye | Chronic


A 22-year-old British girl lost sight of one of her eyes after cooking eggs in a microwave oven while she was trying a recipe "of course" You found on the Internet. "I will never cook eggs like this again and hope that no one else will."He recommended.

The incident occurred last Tuesday when Bethany Rosser, a young woman from the city of Redditch, Worcestershire County, UK, decided to cook two eggs for breakfast, from a recipe found on the portal

Bethany Rosser

The instructions indicated that the cooking time was between 6 and 8 minutes; and to prevent the egg bursting, simply add salt to the water.

Bethany followed the recipe to the letter and even used the microwave less than expected at 900 watts. However, as soon as he opened the oven door and looked into the microwave bowl filled with water, the eggs exploded, burning him the right side of the face.

That's what Bethany's face looked like.

"It was horrible – I was in absolute agony, I could feel my skin burning for hours, as if it was tearing it away."Rosser told the British media The sun. "I will never cook eggs in the microwave again and hope that no one else will."He recommended.

Because of the burns, he lost the vision of one of his eyes and the doctors still do not know if it will be permanent. On the other hand, they promise you not to have scars on the face, although they warn you that your skin will retain discoloration spots.


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