Egypt has suspended refloating work on stranded ship in Suez Canal


Salvage tasks for the stranded vessel Ever Given have been suspended until the necessary trailers accumulate, the Suez Canal Authority reported today. in Egypt, who have been fighting since Tuesday to unlock this strategic path.

Suez Canal services contractor Leth Agencies reported the suspension of work despite the initial intention to attempt to refloat the gigantic container ship taking advantage of the overnight high tide.

Last night an attempt was made to move the vessel and it was even reported that it had been moved 29 meters, but the vessel eventually got stuck and blocked the way.

The Ever Given ran aground on Tuesday and has since caused unprecedented traffic jams on one of the world’s busiest trade routes, leading to the hijacking of more than 200 ships and paralysis of goods worth 9, 5 billion euros per day.

Earlier, the head of the Suez Canal Authority, Admiral Oussama Rabie, had reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi “had ordered preparations to lighten the cargo of the ship”.

There are approximately 18,300 containers at Ever Given, ANSA news agency reported.

An official source from ongoing operations to attempt to move the ship and clear the channel to allow passage of more than 300 vessels spoke of the need to remove 600 containers, but warned that the task could take “days”.

It is assumed that by lightening the weight of the ship, it will be possible for the water to reach the propellers, and then it can move on its own.

However, two other tugs arrived in the area today to help free the container ship, according to the Al Arabiya channel.

It was the Italian Charlemagne and the Dutch guard Alp who arrived early this morning (early in the morning in Argentina), according to

The tugs, explained Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, who manages Ever Given, will push the ship 400 meters while the dredgers will continue to suck up sand and mud encrusted under the ship.

In addition to the maneuvers being prepared, there is a certain optimism due to the expected rise in the tide for the next few hours, which could help operations.

The ship was today surrounded by tugs, according to the AFP agency, which realized that the area is closely watched by the security of the canal but also by the military and the police.

En una entrevista telefónica con una cadena de televisión egipcia el sábado por la noche, el almirante Osama Rabie, president of the Autoridad Egipcia del Canal de Suez (SCA), dijo que el barco se había “movido 30 grados a la derecha ya la izquierda ” for the first time.

“It’s a good indicator,” he said, referring to efforts to unlock the ship.


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