Egypt: they discovered a hiding place in a necropolis of the Pharaonic period with at least 20 sarcophagi


A hiding place with more than 20 intact and sealed wooden coffins was discovered in a necropolis of the Pharaonic era located west of the Egyptian city of Luxor, announced today the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Antiques. big and important of the last years ".

The Minister of Antiquities, Khaled El-Enany, and the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mostafa Waziri, visited the site of Al-Asasif to inspect the site of the discovery.

Discovery in Egypt (Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities via AP)

Waziri said the discovery was considered the most important in recent years, the hiding place comprising more than 20 wooden coffins painted and in good condition.

In a statement, the ministry said the coffins were found in two superimposed levels and that the tombs date from the end, middle and new empire periods (1994 to 332 BC).

Discovery in Egypt (Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities via AP)

Ministry photos show caskets with inscriptions and paintings. The agency said a press conference will be held on Saturday and more detailed information on the discovery will be given.

Asasif is a necropolis located on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes, near Deir el-Bahari and south of the necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga.

It contains mainly the graves of senior Egyptian officials of the 18th Dynasty (1550 and 1295 BC), XXV (747-664 BC) and XXVI (664-525 BC) .).


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