Eight countries and the European Union will cooperate with the United States to review the Boeing 737 MAX – 20/04/2019


Experts from eight countries, as well as from the European Union (EU), will join the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to review the Boeing 737 MAX certification, reported Saturday.

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These experts will be part of the team created earlier this month by the FAA and in collaboration with the US Space Agency, NASA, to examine in detail the certification of the automatic control system of this aircraft model.

After the second tragedy, President Donald Trump ordered that the 737 MAX in the United States no longer fly. There are currently about 300 people on the ground.

After the second tragedy, President Donald Trump ordered that the 737 MAX in the United States no longer fly. There are currently about 300 people on the ground.

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Countries participating in this initiative are: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates (WATER).

The goal is to review the software of the Boeing 737 MAX, its design and interaction of drivers with this system to determine if all regulations have been applied and to identify possible improvements.

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The team is expected to meet for the first time on April 29th. and that his work lasts 90 days, according to the EFE news agency

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The FAA has stated that after its initial examination of the Boeing 737 MAX anti-lock system, identified as possibly responsible for the two fatal accidents that occurred in these aircraft in less than five months – one in Ethiopia and one in Indonesia – which is "operational".

Boeing sent its own specialists to Ethiopia, where a tragedy occurred in early March with a 737 MAX.

Boeing sent its own specialists to Ethiopia, where a tragedy occurred in early March with a 737 MAX.

In a project distributed by the FAA, the flight standardization committee of this agency recommended that pilots of this type of aircraft receive additional computer training to use the MCAS automated flight system.

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While, more than 300 737 MAX models remain on the ground by order of the American government.

A month ago, President Donald Trump ordered the suspension of all flights of this model after determining that the MCAS system incorporating these aircraft had been involved in the March accidents in Ethiopia and October in Indonesia, causing 346 deaths.

Rescuers observe the cases of the victims of the accident that occurred last October in Indonesia.

Rescuers observe the cases of the victims of the accident that occurred last October in Indonesia.

Boeing paralyzed deliveries of its 737 MAX models and reduces its production.



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