Eiza González and her sharp criticism of the conviction of the policeman who murdered George Floyd


The actress is frequently interested in social justice issues (Photo: Instagram @eizagonzalez)
The actress is frequently interested in social justice issues (Photo: Instagram @eizagonzalez)

On Friday June 25, the sentence of Derek Chauvin, the ex-policeman was convicted of the murder of African American George Floyd which shocked the world with his level of brutality. His sentence was 22 and a half years in prison for the crime, and Eiza González responded to the news on her social media.

The Mexican actress posted her message written in English on Twitter, in which you can read that the actress questioned the sentence imposed by American justice, because he assured that it was a murder in cold blood and that it had also been recorded by the cameras.

Also, in his words, he said that he has seen cases which have been difficult to verify but have been sentenced to life imprisonment. With this argument, Eiza wondered how an ex-policeman who caused great outrage by mercilessly murdering someone who was submitted by him, could not have been punished with a heavier sentence.

Eiza's tweet criticizing Derek Chauvin's conviction (Photo: Twitter / @eizamusica)
Eiza’s tweet criticizing Derek Chauvin’s conviction (Photo: Twitter / @eizamusica)

“Only 22.5 years for a murder in cold blood?” Photographed? Just, I see. I saw people (in jail) for things impossible to prove with life imprisonment. But not a cop who caused worldwide outrage by mercilessly murdering someone who did not defend himself.. Okay I see “. In the comments you can see the support of his followers, mentioning that this is an injustice and a racist system.

Minneapolis court judge Peter Cahill said in that case that “The punishment is not based on emotion or sympathy”, nor was it based on “public opinion”. but in the law and in the specific facts of the case.

Minnesota state law established a minimum sentence of 12 and a half years in prison for Chauvin, who has been in jail since he was convicted of murder on April 20.

Derek Chauvin has been repudiated for the racist murder he committed (Photo: REAUTERS)
Derek Chauvin has been repudiated for the racist murder he committed (Photo: REAUTERS)

Peter has identified aggravating elements that could indicate a much harsher sentence. The magistrate considered that Chauvin had “abused his position of trust and authority”, that he had treated Floyd with “particular cruelty” towards minors and that “he committed the crime in a group with the active participation of at least three other” men in uniform.

The actress is also waiting for another controversial issue from the American country, since June 23. Britney Spears urged judge to end ‘abusive’ custody of personal belongings and his business, which had been licensed to his father since 2008, and Eiza gave her opinion on the matter.

In a tweet, the Mexican singer also assured that it was “a piece of crap from a corrupt and outdated system”, she also ensured that she was heartbroken for the singer of Baby one more time. “I grew up admiring her so much and finding out that she has been completely deprived of her own life for so long is heartbreaking. Justice for Britney,” González ended his post with #FreeBritney, the hashtag who supports the American singer through social networks.

Eiza also shared her opinion on Britney's statements, showing her support (Photo: Twitter / @ eizamusica)
Eiza also shared her opinion on Britney’s statements, showing her support (Photo: Twitter / @ eizamusica)

Spears revealed that the guardianship system has “too much control […] Too much too! ”And prevent you from making your own decisions about your friendships, dates, expenses, and even things as simple as the color of your kitchen furniture.

According to the report cited by the newspaper The New York Times, the artist told the investigator that she wanted the guardianship to end as soon as possible and that she was “fed up with being abused”.

The confession that the guard prevents her from removing her IUD, since she cannot take control of her contraceptive drugs, has sparked great controversy among Internet users, fans and reproductive rights groups, because Britney said she wished she had more children.


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