"El Marcador": the secrets of the thief who sealed the fate of Carolina Píparo – 13/07/2018


His talent is to be an effective scoundrel . He knows the exact way of getting confused between people until it becomes almost invisible, but not so much that he becomes a suspect, but barely enough to be perceived as someone else. one that is not worth even two seconds of attention. It is very clear that it is essential that they allow him to get closer to seeing what he will tell later, what he will reveal later, but always with the gall well. disguised under the honey . His eye is driven like that of a few. It has minutes, and sometimes only seconds, to detect useful prey among so many others that will not be worth it. It's like a merchant who has to discover the opportunity amidst the confusion. He moves quickly but without apparent haste to establish, too, that all will be more helpless than will happen later.

Because if anything knows The Marker is that whatever he chooses will be unleashed a tragedy of incalculable proportions.

Like that of Carolina Píparo, for example, which will never end .

"I am accused of being a bookmark and I take care of that" admitted Miguel Angel "Pepper" Silva in the lawsuit against the five accused of having made Carolina The most brutal and costly salidera of history . She not only stole the $ 10,000 and 13,000 pesos she had just taken to a bank to buy a house, but also the life of her first child.

  Carolina Píparo in court, last month

] Carolina Píparo in the courts, last month

"Pepper" Silva was the key to this because he was the one who chose Carolina as protagonist of his own tragedy. Nothing would have happened to her or to her son if this Thursday, July 29, 2010, when she had seen her wearing her belly nine months for the branch of the bank Santander Río in the center of La Plata, El Marcador would have had pity.

It is that, at one point, the Píparo case is reduced to the decision made by Silva. It was he who had to choose between getting the percentage of loot that had been promised for his homework and the welfare of a pregnant woman, whose caesarean section was scheduled for only five days later.

And he chose the money: 1000 pesos, as he would declare.

  Pimienta Silva, in 2010

Pimienta Silva, in 2010

That day, Carolina entered the bank of avenues 7 and 41 accompanied by María Emma, ​​your mother It was 11:07 am when both of them walked through the door, according to security cameras. They went to the counter and asked for the money that they had unsuccessfully requested to withdraw the day before .

The belly is clear in the pictures. Also to "Pepper" Silva, who had entered the bank a few seconds earlier, at 11.06. The marker approached the victims, waited to be called to give them money and then left at 11:15. He went to the parking lot, where he saw Carolina entering the driver's seat at 11:17, and moved a few meters .

Aware, noting that the car was not starting, "Pepper" Silva He returned to the beach 40 seconds later, to reconfirm that Carolina and the wallet where she was carrying the money went. It finally happened at 11:18, with some delay due to the difficulties she had to endure without touching the steering wheel.

And then, Silva called ]

"The first call that triggers the order of communications is the one that comes from the phone used by Miguel Silva," said three years later the judges of the Criminal Court No. 2 of La Plata. "He started a fluid traffic of communications, which just began to disperse at 11.33" .

In the 15 minutes that have pbaded since Silva called his accomplices until everyone closes the phones, Carolina and her mother went home without knowing that they were followed, among others, by a black EcoSport truck driven by "Pepper" and a Yamaha YBR motorcycle. There was a total of five men, if you can call them that.

The Marker had decided to follow the indicated prey until he had seen the result with his own eyes. So aware of what he had done that the next day he was going to change the haircut and sell the truck to the dealer where he had bought it just a month before . Fifty thousand pesos would be given, more than stolen from Carolina.

As soon as he parked in front of his house, in the street between 35 and 36, an badailant pbaded over his car. Still without any regard for her pregnancy, she opened the door of strength and dragged her out of the car pulling her purse .

-Give me the string that you received from the bank, motherbader he shouted to him

-No! answered Caroline, like a reflex.

The thief began to beat her in the head with the butt of a gun, until the blood gushed out. And it was worse. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the car to make her roll and let her kneel on the sidewalk

-Do not do anything to me, I'll give you everything , I am pregnant! ", she cried, wondering if the thief might not have noticed the 25 kilos that had increased during pregnancy.

And the shot, which pierced his chin, appeared and re-entered the body through the sternum to pierce his belly. The damage power of the projectile was badured in advance: had loaded the pistol with hollow point bullets .

Carolina only felt that it was difficult for her to breathe, she never noticed the shot. Then I could hardly think that if he was conscious, the baby would be fine. He never imagined that Isidro was in danger. "If I die, what will become of my husband only with the baby?" he wondered.

  Reconstruction case PIPARO, Caroline shows in the car how it was taken on the way, in the photo with the prosecutor ROMERO
foto daniel forneri, in 2013

Reconstruction case PIPARO, Caroline shows in the car how he was caught on the way, in the photo with the prosecutor ROMERO
foto daniel forneri, in 2013

Meanwhile, the author of the shooting, Carlos Moreno, escaped with the booty and climbed on the Yamaha. Then he went to the truck "Pimienta" Silva, who took him away from the scene of the attack. He and the remains of Carolina's wallet, whose strips had fallen to the floor next to her, her blood and that of her unborn child.

The woman was taken to the hospital. They performed a caesarean section and managed to give birth to their son Isidro at 12:10. But the baby, mortally wounded, breathed for the last time on August 5, without it coming to know him more than by pictures. Thirty-five days he would have to go home and be informed of the news, which he already knew .

"Pepper" Silva was arrested on August 11 with his four accomplices. In May 2013, they were tried by Carolina's attack and by an earlier leak, six days before against a man who had withdrawn 5,000 pesos from a bank in La Galicia Plata. In this case they were acquitted, but not by Píparo.

The judges gave the same sentence to the five accused, regardless of their : from El Marcador to the one who shot, including Juan Manuel Calvimonte, Luciano López and Carlos Jordán Juárez. All were found guilty of "attempted murder, crime against others (committed to conceal another crime, theft) against Píparo, of" homicide criminis causa "of the baby and" robbery by the use of a firearm ".

The official defender of "Pepper", Claudio Ritter, asked to consider as overcoming his "deficiencies in the mechanisms of primary and secondary socialization, precarious preparation for the labor market of today. And the situation of existing family constraint ". But even the socio-environmental study done in his home by Rafael Castillo denied him. They gave him perpetual, just like the others.

  The convict; from left to right JORDAN JUAREZ, LOPEZ, MORENO,

The convict; from left to right JORDAN JUAREZ, LOPEZ, MORENO,

But the defenses appealed and, in February 2015, justice gave them a wink of complicity. The judges of the first court of cbadation, Víctor Violini, Daniel Carral and Benjamín Sal Llargués, considered that the qualification of the homicide of Isidro was not "criminis causa" (crime which does not aim as perpetual) but "on the occasion of a robbery", that the maximum sentence was 25 years. Thus, the sentences were reduced to all. For "Pepper" Silva the profit left him to 23 years in prison.

But he is only 8 years old. Yesterday, the Oral Court No. 2 of La Plata granted an "extraordinary release" to the Marker. His advocate asked him on the grounds that Silva was suffering from two strokes, which is why he needed help to "feed, disinfect, dress and move" and could not receive adequate care in prison.

When d & An audience to discuss this version, last month Carolina had it face to face. She only asked for a psychiatric badessment to make sure that, out of prison, she was no longer using her Marcador's nose to do to others what she was doing to her and to his son: "I would like to see a psychological report, because Silva did not hurt his body, he was an organizer" he said.

And so on. "Given the neurological damage and language disorder that it presents, it is impossible to perform expert tests on the accused" responded physicians . "The accident affected both the comprehension and the expression of the language of Silva as well as motor skills" they add

  Miguel Ángel Pimienta Silva, last month before the justice

Miguel Ángel Pimienta Silva, last month before the Court

The Court took into account two other factors that expose the misfortunes of the criminal system. Silva (49) can not maintain his death sentence because prisons are not prepared to accommodate prisoners with serious illnesses. The unit 22 of Olmos, despite having inside the prison hospital, can not handle it. To make matters worse, even today "Pepper" continues with the status of "sued" since his conviction is not even firm : he is still in that the Supreme Court of the Nation be issued. ] With the sensitivity that he did not have, Carolina was in agreement with the release of Silva. He only made it clear that he wants him to recover soon so that he can return to jail. And that will never forgive anyone on behalf of his son.