‘El Patriota’ called the minga a ‘narco’ and hinted that he wanted to receive it like in Cali: they ask for their Twitter account to be suspended


Archive image.  The indigenous Minga go around certain streets to regain their territories, after having supported the national strike today in Cali (Colombia).  EFE / Ernesto Guzmán Jr.
Archive image. The indigenous minga are circling some streets to return to their territories, after supporting the national strike today in Cali (Colombia). EFE / Ernesto Guzmán Jr.

This May 17th Ombudsman’s office held a meeting with members of the Indigenous Organization of Antioquia Yes Indigenous councils of Medellín to discuss the protests that the minga will lead as part of the national strike.

During the meeting of the Ombudsman’s Office with some representatives of the minga, whose members arrived in Medellín since this afternoon to mobilize from Tuesday, it was assured that the day of protest against the government of Iván Duque will be peaceful and will promote a message of peace.

However, it is worrying that some citizens are not satisfied with the arrival of the organization in the capital of Antioquia and which even allude to acts of violence against indigenous peoples, such as that perpetrated on May 9 in Cali, when 10 members were wounded after indiscriminate gunfire fired by civilians. in the district of Ciudad Jardín.

One of those who sent a message of violence was the lawyer Jaime Restrepo, known on Twitter as’The Patriot ‘, who on May 16 said:

“On May 19 in Medellín, the strike and vandalism demonstrations will be led by drug trafficker Minga, with the approval of the pinturita. What do you think? Are we giving them the same welcome they received in Cali? », Restrepo wrote on the social network.

The post in which allusion was made to what happened in Cali, a town in which civilians were even seen with guns, was rejected by some users, one of them the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, who asked Twitter to take action in this regard.

“Gentlemen @TwitterLatAm, this story promotes the armed attack on the indigenous mobilization moving to Medellín as part of the massive marches taking place in Colombia. As mayor of Medellín, I ask that this account be suspended in order to protect the civilian population ”, Quintero tweeted.

At the request of Daniel Quintero, Jaime Restrepo eliminated the trill, possibly preventing Twitter from being the one to erase it like he did weeks ago with one of the former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez for “Glorification of violence”. The truth is that “El Patriota” continued to point fingers at the indigenous Minga peoples in their networks and even implied that they were kidnappers.

“They inform me that the order has been given to block all access to Medellín. including airports. They will start on the north and south highways. Medellín’s mass kidnapping began with the approval and sponsorship of Daniel Quintero, alias “Pinturita”. They plan to apply the dose of Cali, ”Restrepo posted.

Since some Cali residents shot members of the minga eight days ago, manifestations of violence and stigma against indigenous peoples have been reported differently. One of those who gave the most to speak in the public debate is that of the doctor Juliana Rojas, who sent an aberrant message to a WhatsApp group with a few colleagues, made visible by Noticias Uno.

“This is what you must do, here more than one of you can rejoice … but it makes you want the vigilante groups to literally come and kill about 1000 Indians, so just a few more. for you understand … oh i knew where should i give money to make this happen, the I’m flying, if anyone knows let me know ”(sic.), Galena wrote.

Rojas, who denounced receiving threats for his post, shared a press release on Sunday afternoon in which he said: “I wish to publicly offer my sincere apologies to the indigenous community and to all those who have been rightly offended with the totally bogus expressions that I used in a private chat and which have been leaked to the media ”.


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