El Plumerillo received 38% more foreigners in 2018


The airport of El Plumerillo has recorded a significant growth in the arrival of foreigners over the past year according to data published by the Indec.

At the same time, the number of Argentinian departed from the local airport for destinations abroad has increased by 11%, which represents 180,000 departures.

In December 2018, an estimated 294,600 non-resident tourist arrivals in Argentina, with an annual increase of 13.4%. Of the accumulated annual total, 2,760.0 thousand non-resident tourist arrivals were reached and an increase of 7.5% was recorded. Ezeiza and Aeroparque concentrated 89.5% of non – resident tourist arrivals in the twelve months of the year, with an interannual increase of 4.6%.

Exits to the outside, during the last month of the year, reached a total of 279.4 000 resident tourists, a figure which recorded a year – to – year decrease of 13.6%. During the twelve months of the year, revenues totaled 4,485.3,000 resident tourists and recorded a 0.7% decline from one year to the next. The airports of Ezeiza and Aeroparque accounted for 80.3% of tourist departures residing in the badyzed period, with a decrease of 3.5% compared to the same period of the previous year .

The balance of international tourists in December was positive at 15,300 for all international airways, after 46 consecutive months of deficit.

The full report of INDEC:



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