Elder murdered his wife with bullets because he spoke "of a disrespectful tone" | Chronic


A 73-year-old man, identified as Fernando De Baerehe killed his wife with two bullets because she was talking to him "your disrespectful"

The violent outcome has occurred in the house of the two, in the Plantation City of Florida, United States.

According to police sources, after the murder, the murderer kept the revolver with which he committed the crime in a closet.

This photo was taken at the time of the arrest of the septuagenarian.

He then went to a neighbor's house and told him what had happened for him to call the police.

Marisa Sherman 47 years old, she was sitting right on the sofa in the dining room. According to a report from the troops, he was shot in the face at close range.

The motive of the homicide

"She did not stop at the disrespectful conversation"De Baere told investigators of the police department of the plantation.

The man accused his wife of using "a disrespectful tone".

His wife was arguing with him about "your relationship with a former colleague" and so he was upset about "the way she spoke to him"He said in his arrest report.

The man is currently being held in Broward's main prison, in downtown Fort Lauderdale.

According to the records, he is currently held without bail, for premeditated murder, aggravated by bail.


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