Elections 2019: after the controversy, a new simulation of transmission of the data of the provisional examination was carried out


The simulation was done in schools across the country Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

After a
The partial test failed on June 29, concluded the general simulation of the provisional control. The test of the new digital vote counting system was held today in the morning, simultaneously in thousands of schools nationwide.

For the first time, the provisional control will be carried out with a special software (SmartTally) developed
by the Venezuelan company Smartmatic, which will transmit the telegrams numerically from the schools to the centers of calculation of the mail directly.

The new temporary calculation tool will be used in more than 90,000 tables.
The new temporary calculation tool will be used in more than 90,000 tables. Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

In the previous partial test,
the system had failed due to lack of connectivity. The failure of the previous simulation had raised doubts about the functioning of the system. Also criticized the balance sheet of the company Smartmatic, involved a few years ago in a controversy on electoral fraud in Venezuela.

The Secretary of Political Affairs, Adrián Pérez, pointed out that the system
It will "reduce the processing time and the dissemination of results", while improving the "transparency and traceability" of telegrams.

Data transmission model of the control in the central station
Data transmission model of the control in the central station Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

"Before a truck received the telegrams and we did not know what was going on, with the new system, we will eliminate these black spots," Pérez said. Once the telegram is loaded, the software will show which instance it is in. In this way it will be possible to know if the telegram has already been received and processed by post.

"By avoiding the physical transfer of telegrams to a post office, we will be able to give you the results of the preliminary examination in advance," said Pérez, introducing the new voting counting system.

The new provisional vote counting tool will be used in more than 90,000 tables across 11,041 educational institutions across the country.



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