Elections 2019: Lula Da Silva said that if Cristina wins, the Argentine people will be happier


The PT leader spoke of a possible return of the former president to the government.

April 28, 2019

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva said that if the national senator Cristina Kirchner won the 2019 elections, "the Argentine people would be happier"

"I swell for Cristina to be a candidate and win the elections, and I think if the Argentinean people win, he will be happier," Lula said in his first interview since his imprisonment in Curitiba.

And he said: "I lived with President Kirchner and Cristina and they were very good for the Argentine people"

In the same vein, the former president of Brazil said that the Kirchner "generated hatred of the elites, who are the same as those who support the former Minister Cavallo, who thought that the United States would help them take off. "

"But it was not the United States who eliminated them, but a serious policy of Kirchner and Cristina, who set up a strong economy that allowed to increase production and reduce unemployment and hunger ", did he declare.

He concluded: "Neoliberalism is not working anywhere on planet Earth, the recipe for fiscal adjustment is not working.Do you want to reduce Brazil's deficit? You need to increase the growth of the economy, produce more and reduce the deficit. "


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