Elections 2019: Macri has a very bad image in the region and beats even Bolsonaro


A Mexican consultant measured the image of regional leaders. And Macri has one of the worst images, even beat Jair Bolsonaro.

March 11, 2019

The image of Mauricio Macri to go through the worst moment. Not only local consultants say so, nor the election of Neuquen as governor in which change it was the third, but also a prestigious Latin American consultant. The president is one of three countries in the region with less than 20% approval.

To integrate

The Mitofsky consulting firm, one of the largest in Mexico. presented a regional report of a political nature. It is the ranking of leaders of America and the world. The study showed the situation of 20 US leaders and 11 others in Europe, Asia and Australia.

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To more clearly locate the 20 American leaders, 5 groups were formed according to the percentages of approval granted by the public opinion of each country for its management (the elected president of El Salvador is added).

Among the main conclusions of the study, it appears that only two of the twenty Latin American presidents obtain the evaluation of outstanding loans for having obtained an approval higher than 60%: López Obrador who begins his government in Mexico and Martín Vizcarra who is on the point to end one year after the resignation of Pedro Kuczynski.

But one fact that emerges from the presidents' badessment is that Argentina has a very weak negative view of Nicolás Maduro and Jimmy Morales in Nicaragua.

Macri even wins a negative image with Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro.


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