Elections 2019: Macri's daughter bought a house in Spain to allow her father to move in 2020


The explosive data was revealed by the official journalist Carlos Pagni in his column of the newspaper La Nación.

March 28, 2019

The daughter of Mauricio Macri bought a house in Spain with "the illusion" that his father installed himself there in 2020 with Juliana Awada

It is about Agustina Macri, the eldest of Macri's four children. He is 35 years old and he told his friends that "He bought an apartment in Madrid."

agustina macri.jpg

Explosive data revealed Carlos Pagni in his column in the newspaper The nation. According to the reporter, he did so "in the hope that his father will settle there with Juliana Awada next year".

Macri has already expressed his desire to settle in Italy after being removed from politics. In fact, in the middle of the 2015 campaign and before beating Daniel Scioli, he had declared that if he lost, he would go to the land of his ancestors.

Now, according to his daughter Agustina, he could go to Spanish land if he loses to presidential elections where he will seek his new term or he does not run as a candidate.

To integrate

According to a dozen surveys, Macri now has a positive image that is between 20% and 25%. In June, the lists are closed and it is expected that the small table of change

Yesterday Change for the first time was encouraged to make posters proposing Maria Eugenia Vidal as a candidate for the presidency.

Pagni also specifies this theory: "The social circle of Macri is made up of personalities from his native country, who are not very opposed to the stress of the struggle for power. Two of these friends suggested to him, in the last days, to abandon the race and to ask an heir. "For the first time, he did not send them to the devil", informs a member of this lodge. "


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