Elections 2019: The government has secret polls in which Macri loses 17 points with CFK


Polls show a steady increase in the senator's voting intent and in the multimedia they are worried.

May 17, 2019

A series of polls showing Senator of Unidad Ciudadana, Cristina Kirchner, above with the intention of voting for the president concerns the national government as well as the Clarín Group.

According to a note from Bercovich in Bae daily, the government has surveys that show Cristina Kirchner winner in the first round, with more than 40% and 10 points difference.

"In the province of Buenos Aires, last week, a balancing survey gave him a 17-point lead over Macri "informed the reporter.

To integrate

Plan V to sacrifice the candidacy of Maria Eugenia Vidal in the province of Buenos Aires, to appoint her to the presidency would not work either, because the polls show that she loses by 10 points Cristina Kirchner.

The reporter also revealed that Macri has not yet signed the approval of the amalgamation of Clarin with Telecom which allows the millionaire company to Quadruple Play.


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