Elections and the crisis in Argentina have infiltrated the World Tourism Summit – 06/04/2019


Seville (Special Envoy) .- Argentina was one of the countries participating in the World Tourism Summit bringing together the main tourism and planet stakeholders concentrated in the World Council of Tourism and Travel (WTTC). the pace of activity for the whole year. The star was former US President Barack Obama.

Former US President Barack Obama at the XIX World Travel and Travel Council (WTTC) Summit in Seville, Spain.

Former US President Barack Obama at the XIX World Travel and Travel Council (WTTC) Summit in Seville, Spain.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src =" https://images.clarin.com/2018/11/11/PXs1aOhIj_290x140__1.jpg

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Last year, the international meeting was held in Buenos Aires. On this occasion, the scenario was Seville, Spain, one of the countries that is a world power of tourism. The Secretary of Tourism, Gustavo Santos, and the President of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism (CAT), Aldo Elías, represented the country.

This type of meetings serves to establish contacts with the most influential actors in the sector, to follow trends and latest developments, but also to find out where Argentina is located in the concert of nations competing to attract tourism. The downside is that Argentina and South America are far from the level of quality and development of the countries that host the most tourists; the positive, the potential to exploit.

Tourism Secretary Gustavo Santos, accompanied by Christopher Nbadetta, President of the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC) and Gloria Guevara, President of the WTTC, at the presentation of a prize.

Tourism Secretary Gustavo Santos, accompanied by Christopher Nbadetta, President of the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC) and Gloria Guevara, President of the WTTC, at the presentation of a prize.

For example, the latter was reflected in the speech offered by Obama, who mentioned Argentine and Antarctic Patagonia like two of the destinations you have waiting to visit.

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There was also Spanish President Pedro Sánchez, whose country welcomed 83 million tourists in 2018 and which generates no less than 15% of total employment. In Argentina, it accounts for 9.4% of employment and in 2018, activity decreased by 2.8% over the previous year, according to WTTC information.

However, the complex political and economic situation that the country is going through has not been left behind by this international summit.

"The pre-election situation was present At various meetings and world tourism leaders, they unanimously expressed the need to continue the policies initiated by the current Argentine government, "said Santos. Clarin, who was present in Seville.

For the manager, Argentina "has reached a good position in the world tourism scenario". In fact, at the WTTC dinner, the country was honored by the 2019 World Champion Award for management in the facilitation of travel. Santos believes that the main challenge is to deepen "the process of smart opening" in the management of Mauricio Macri and consolidate the strategic role of tourism as a development factor throughout the national territory.

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In the immediate future, he was able to confirm the continuity of the investment process with international hotel chains, airlines and cruise companies and a mission of Chinese tourism entrepreneurs will visit our country next week as an extension of the meetings held at this WTTC Summit.

For Aldo Elías, of the CAT, there are "very good prospects of the tourist world" on the country, but the key is to reach the "economic tranquility that it must exist in the country to make it attractive".

"The exchange rate favors the arrival of foreign tourism, but it also changes the plans for expansion", Says Elias.He cites the example of the new airlines, many of them low cost, which bear the cost of fuel and which, above all, "does not only need foreign tourism but also domestic tourism" which, with the recession, does not improve, despite the fact that there is no need for tourism. increased foreign tourism.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, accompanied by WTTC President and Hilton Executive Director Christopher Nbadetta, and Gloria Guevara, President and CEO of the World Tourism and Travel Council, at the Seville Summit, Spain .

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, accompanied by WTTC President and Hilton Executive Director Christopher Nbadetta, and Gloria Guevara, President and CEO of the World Tourism and Travel Council, at the Seville Summit, Spain .

He stressed that economic uncertainty is the main obstacle, not politics: "If we went in a clear line, although slowly, the investments would not stop. We had a two-and-a-half year back-dollar, we made a 120% devaluation, we are trying to control inflation and none of that has happened so far, "he said. he adds.

Regarding the summit, Elias believes that Argentina is "at another level", "very far in many aspects such as connectivity and technological development", but in return, there remains "a lot to do "and that Argentina has" a huge value that's the nature. "

In his exhibition, Obama even seemed to make fun of the crack, although he did not talk about Argentina. He spoke of "populist policies" that encourage "nationalism and xenophobia that are dangerous roads". "I believe it's important to unite people, not to separate them," he said.

"It is the golden age of tourism", Assured WTTC Mexican President Gloria Guevara of Mexico, after pointing out that by 2018, 4,400 million people had traveled the world by plane, which represented an investment of $ 8.8 billion for the global economy.

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The sector grew 3.9% (higher than global growth of 3.2%). Tourism outstrips construction and financial market in monetary movement and generates 1 in 10 jobs worldwide. In addition, over the next decade of the WTTC, it is expected to generate about 100 million jobs.

The WTTC is an organization that brings together the world's leading travel and tourism stakeholders: airlines, cruise ships, hotels, travel agencies, car rental agencies, tour operators, global distribution systems and technology companies.



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